Urology Center

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The urinary system consists of a pair of kidneys and ureters, a urinary bladder, and a urethra. The kidneys filter wastes from the bloodstream to form urine which, in turns, is passed to the bladder before exiting through the ureter.  Urinary tract infection is a common problem among both adults and children, but more so in female than male.

Our Advantages

  1. Urology Center offers diagnosis and treatment with up-to-date medical equipment and specific in-depth examinations as follow:
    • Urodynamic Study – performance of bladder function
    • Cystoscopy – check inside the bladder with thin camera
    • Cystoscopy with Biopsy  
    • MRI – MRI Fusion with Transrectal or Trans perineal Ultrasound for Prostate Biopsy
  2. Diagnostic Center at Bangkok Hospital offers a complete and comprehensive urinary system treatment by assessing from the following conditions:
    • Congenital diseases such as urinary tract and reproductive organs
    • Urinary incontinence or retention
    • Neurogenic bladder
    • Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction
    • Urinary tract cancer such as kidney cancer, bladder cancer
    • Gallstones and Cystitis
    • Chronic kidney disease or kidney failure

For more information, please contact

Urology Center

3rd Floor, C Building, Bangkok Hospital

Daily 08.00 am. – 03.00 pm.

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