Emergency Service Center Bangkok Hospital

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Emergency Service Center, Bangkok Hospital

An emergency can occur at any minute of your life. Getting immediate care does not reduce only the severity of your condition but also alleviates your worries. Emergency Service Center at Bangkok Hospital is ready to take care of any emergency cases on every level of severity from various diseases to trauma. Our team of experienced emergency specialists along with up-to-date medical equipment can handle emergency cases in all dimension.

COMFY ZONE for Late Night Emergency Patients

In Case of Late-Night Emergency, Call Us. If you have any health problems from minor trauma or unexpected illness and come to Emergency Service Center at Bangkok Hospital in the night, we have COMFY ZONE for non-urgent emergency patients or green emergency patients for you before the conditions or complications take its crucial turn with a team of specialists and multidisciplinary doctors to provide care in a timely, convenient, and speed, supported by all insurance policies.

Patients Suitable for COMFY ZONE

  • High fever, diarrhea, sore throat, vomit
  • Infection
  • Children’s health
  • Women’s health
  • Cardiovascular disease, tightness of chest, difficulty breathing
  • Cerebral vascular disease
  • Trauma, broken bone

Advantages of COMFY ZONE

  • Attended by multidisciplinary specialists.
    • Emergency Medicine Specialist
    • General Surgeon
    • Trauma and Burn Surgeon
    • Orthopedic Surgeon
    • Ob-Gyn
    • Internist
    • Pediatrician
    • Neurosurgeon
    • Neurologist
    • Cardiologist
  • Equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology.
  • Convenient and less waiting time.
  • Accept all insurance policies.
  • Open from 20.00 – 00.00 hrs. (Services available after the hours at Trauma Center for 24/7)

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