Women's Health Center

Breastfeeding Clinic


The miracle of breast milk as the best source of nutrition delivered from a mother to a new baby.  

Breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants. Breastfeeding offers tremendous health benefits to both mothers and babies. Breast milk is primarily composed of high amount of vitamins, proteins and fats which are essentially required for the baby to grow. Breast milk also contains antioxidants and immunity-boosting antibodies that help the baby fight off infections caused by pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria. In addition, breast milk can promote sensory and cognitive development as well as protect the infants against chronic diseases when they grow up e.g. obesity and diabetes. More importantly, breast milk contains mother’s live cells including beneficial bacteria that encourage the function of baby’s digestive system. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months and it can be continued up to 2 years as the ideal feeding pattern for infants.

Benefits of breast milk for infants

  • Breast milk contains nutrients as the best source of essential nutrition for baby’s growth and development.
  • Antibodies and proteins in breast milk promote immune system for fighting against infections and reducing risks of other chronic diseases.
  • Breast milk is clean and easy to digest. It improves digestive functions and reduces constipations.
  • Nutrients in breast milk are essential for nervous system development and thought to be the brain boosters for the babies.
  • Breastfeeding with skin-to-skin contact brings the babies close to their mothers. It is a significant part of bonding with babies.

Since we would like to be one of the important parts in promoting and supporting breastfeeding, our obstetric-gynecological team and specialized breastfeeding nurses of Bangkok Hospital are ready to offer a comprehensive breastfeeding care, including prenatal consultations, evaluation of mothers and babies, organizing breastfeeding courses and training as well as enhancing appropriate and successful lactation which acts as a key to promote baby’s growth and development.


A holistic care for successful breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can challenge both mothers and babies. Inappropriate care and instructions might potentially lead to unsuccessful lactation.  At Breastfeeding Clinic, with readiness and well-equipped facilities in breastfeeding, our highly experienced multidisciplinary team consists of obstetricians-gynecologists, specialized breastfeeding nurses, pediatricians, neonatal and perinatal pediatricians (neonatal intensive care unit or NICU), nutritionists and physical therapists. We have aimed to provide both clinical and non-clinical supports to mothers and babies to overcome breastfeeding difficulties that might vary among individuals and to solve other related problems, allowing successful breastfeeding.

Before childbirth and delivery

  • Gestational age of 3 months: Consultation with obstetrician-gynecologist and breastfeeding nurse is recommended in order to evaluate the anatomical readiness of the breasts and nipples as well as to obtain breastfeeding knowledge and fundamental
  • Gestational age of 3-5 months: Prenatal education program (early pregnancy) conducted by obstetricians-gynecologists, nutritionists, physical therapists and specialized breastfeeding nurses should be attended. Prenatal program aims to educate pregnant women on their benefits of breast milk and breastfeeding, appropriate nutrition and lactation foods that promote milk supply as well as certain foods to avoid during breastfeeding.
  • Gestational age of 6-8 months: Prenatal education program in late pregnancy conducted by pediatric and neonatal and perinatal pediatricians aids for enhancing a healthy pregnancy. Training also includes prenatal yoga which helps improve sleep, reduce stress and increase the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth. In addition, training by neonatal nurses involves neonatal care, safe positions for holding a newborn and bathing.

During and after delivery

  • To promote bonding which is skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant, breastfeeding should start immediately within an hour of birth. It helps to initiate early breastfeeding and increases the likelihood of exclusive breastfeeding with sufficient breast milk supply.
  • On day 2 after childbirth and delivery, specialized breastfeeding nurses instruct new mothers to lactation practices. During this period, breastfeeding should be frequently promoted every 2 hours in order to enhance breast milk production for an adequate serving for the infant.
  • Neonatal nurses trains new mothers how to hold babies with an appropriate posture and position and how to bring babies to the breasts correctly.
  • In case that breast milk is not produced sufficiently yet, the use of a bottle with artificial milk may act as a hindrance to successful breastfeeding. Breastfeeding nurses will teach the mothers to use a spoon or glass instead of a bottle to prevent baby bottle addiction and to increase chances for breastfeeding success.  
  • After all instructions are followed, mothers and babies will be frequently visited and monitored by specialists and nurses. Additional suggestions might be required as needed.

A number of mothers have faced the difficulties in breastfeeding, such as engorged breasts (breasts bulging with excessive breast milk), latching pain, cracked nipples, clogged milk ducts, breast sore that causes fever or the baby refuses to be breastfed. All of these problems can be fully solved by highly experienced specialists in breastfeeding care. Mothers can rest assured that they can take good care of their babies around-the-clock.

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