Customized Supplement

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Customized Supplement
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In the past, when there were no dietary supplements, we obtained vitamins through food alone until methods were discovered to treat vitamin deficiency diseases, such as beriberi or pellagra. Vitamins were then isolated from pure substances that produced results in treatment apart from food. By the mid-1930s, vitamins in pill form were produced for the first time. From the mid-20th century to the present, a wide variety of vitamin products and formulas have become widely available for people to easily purchase and consume.



Do Market Vitamins Meet Your Health Needs?

Although there are a variety of formulas in the market to cater to different health issues, not everyone will experience the same results because no two people are alike. Differences in body nature, daily lifestyle, stress levels, or professions are factors that clearly distinguish individuals from one another. Hence, taking the same vitamin may not address health issues the same way for everyone. One person may see improvements, while another sees no difference.

For example, if two people are experiencing hair loss, one might find success with a hair nourishment supplement, while the other sees no effect. This could be because one’s issue stems from hormones or stress, whereas the other’s might be due to a lack of certain minerals or vitamins. Only a medical examination can truly identify the root cause.



Customized Vitamins for Individuals

Today, medical advancements allow for the customization of vitamins for individuals, enabling you to receive the specific vitamins your body lacks in the correct amounts. Detailed blood tests can identify which vitamins and minerals are deficient in your body, and their exact levels. With this information, doctors can create customized vitamins tailored for you.

Benefits of Customized Vitamins

For instance, if your blood results show a severe deficiency in vitamin A and a minor one in vitamin C, the doctor can prepare a capsule that contains a higher proportion of vitamin A to C, suited to your body’s needs. The benefit is that you receive the vitamins you lack, resulting in better health outcomes.



The Difference of Customized Vitamins

The clear advantage of customized vitamins is the ability to determine the appropriate amounts. For example, while standard vitamin C products might come in 500 mg and 1,000 mg doses, customized vitamins can be tailored to the exact amount you need, such as 150 mg, which off-the-shelf brands cannot offer. Your capsule might contain 5 different vitamin types, each in an amount that suits your body’s needs. Taking vitamins without a doctor’s advice might lead you to consume too much of a vitamin that your body already has enough of, whereas taking vitamins under a healthcare professional’s guidance can truly benefit your body.

