Get dengue vaccination to build your immunity & safe your life

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Get dengue vaccination to build your immunity & safe your life

Many of us may have already heard how serious dengue fever can be. It is life-threatening and can afflict anyone at any age. So, protection plays an important role in this case.  Dengue vaccination, in particular, can increase your immunity and reduce severity of the disease.  Today, there is a new dengue vaccine, Qdenga, that can be given to people regardless of whether or not they have had dengue fever before and without needing blood or immune system tests.

What is Qdenga Vaccine for Dengue Fever?

Qdenga is a live attenuated vaccine developed against the second strain of dengue fever (DENV2), which is the genetic backbone of the most widespread strain in Thailand.  Once vaccinated, Qdenga will stimulate the body’s immunity against dengue fever.

How Many Injections Do We Need?

Qdenga should be administered 2 times by subcutaneous injection in the upper arm region, with each needing to be 3 months apart (month 0 and month 3).

Side Effects of Qdenga

Most side effects occur within 2 days after injection and disappears after 3 – 4 days.  These include:

  • Painful red and warm swelling around only the injection site
  • Fever, headache
  • Body aches

What Are the Advantages of Qdenga Vaccine?

  • 80% protection against 4 strains of dengue: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4  
  • Up to 90.4% reduction of hospitalization rate
  • 85.9% reduction of dengue fever severity
  • No need to be tested for dengue immunity before vaccination
  • Can be administered to anybody 4 – 60 years old
  • Can be administered to people regardless of whether or not they have had dengue fever previously

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Limitation of Qdenga Vaccine

  • People who have impaired immune system such as patients who are under immunosuppressant or chemotherapy, HIV patients, people who are using a high dosage of steroid – for example, Prednisone 20 mg/day or 2mg/kg/day for 2 weeks (within 4 months prior to getting vaccinated), etc.
  • People who have a history of severe allergic reaction to components of the vaccine.
  • Pregnant women, breastfeeding moms.
  • Women of reproductive age should be on birth control for at least 1 month after vaccination.
  • People who have drug hypersensitivity syndrome or used to be sensitive to dengue vaccine.

If I Had Dengue Fever Before, When Should I Have Qdenga Vaccination?

Because a second infection can be more severe than previously, it is still recommended that you receive the vaccination – but no sooner than 6 months after your initial recovery. 

How to Protect Yourself Against Dengue Fever

Aside from getting dengue vaccination, you should remove stagnant water in containers – such as cans, plant pots, jars, or vats – around your house.  Turn them over or replace the water often, to eliminate mosquito larvae.

Doctor Specialized in Dengue Fever Treatment

Dr. Chayapon Cheetanom, Internist, Bangkok Hospital

Click here for appointment

Hospital Equipped for Dengue Fever Vaccination

Vaccine Clinic at Bangkok Hospital is well-prepared to provide dengue fever vaccination. Qdenga vaccine will increase your immunity against dengue fever and reduce severity of the disease.  Our team of specialists and multidisciplinary professionals is ready to address every of your healthcare concerns.



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