Her Royal Highness Princess Professor Dr. Princess Sirindhorn The Crown Princess proceeded to BDMS ConneCT Center to inaugurate the Joint Academic Conference of Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited (Public Company Limited) for the Buddhist Year 2567 (BDMS ACADEMIC ANNUAL MEETING 2024) under the concept “A ROAD TO LIFELONG WELL-BEING EPISODE 2: UNLOCK THE HEALTHY LONGEVITY” by Dr. Poramaporn Prasarttong-Osoth Chief Executive Officer and Senior Executive Chairman Group 1 of Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited (Public Company Limited) Chairman of the Joint Academic Conference etc. along with the Conference Management Committee etc. Executives, doctors, nurses, staff, attended to welcome her. The BDMS Academic Conference has been held annually for more than 19 years to exchange knowledge and technological advancements academic experiences for medical personnel in various fields and to apply them for maximum benefit.
Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn presided over the opening of the Joint Annual Academic Conference 2024.
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