Bangkok Hospital Headquarters, in collaboration with the Dusit Medical Foundation, has sent a team of doctors to enhance the surgical capabilities of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair at Sukhothai Hospital.

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Bangkok Hospital Headquarters, in collaboration with the Dusit Medical Foundation, has sent a team of doctors to enhance the surgical capabilities of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair at Sukhothai Hospital.
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Bangkok Hospital Headquarters, in collaboration with Dusit Medical Services Foundation and Sukhothai Hospital, led by Dr. Surapong Euavatanakorn, Deputy Director-General, Medical Affairs, Group 1, Bangkok Hospital, along with Prof. Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsup and Dr. Chanin Panchan, experts in laparoscopic surgery, have taken part in contributing to society through the BHQ MSO Charity project, in line with the Social Responsibility – SWAT Project: 3C (Charity-Cure-Care). The project involves performing laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgeries without damaging the peritoneum (Laparoscopic Total Extraperitoneal Hernia Repair: TEP), graciously supported by the Dusit Medical Services Foundation under the royal patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana Krom Luang Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra. The initiative funds the procurement of medical equipment necessary for laparoscopic hernia surgeries for patients, allowing Sukhothai Hospital to use it for treating other patients. The focus is on maintaining treatment standards and ensuring clinical safety before, during, and after surgery to provide patients with standardised care.

Training is also provided for doctors and nurses from Sukhothai Hospital, and others who come to observe at Bangkok Hospital Headquarters, led by Dr. Sitthichok Kuwiratanasana, a surgical specialist from Sukhothai Hospital, under the management of Dr. Manoch Wuttipong, Director of Sukhothai Hospital. The objective is to adopt this patient care process as a model and establish standards for Sukhothai Hospital to ensure effective and systematic patient care, thereby reducing the waiting time for treatments and enabling patients to return to their normal lives.



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