Mr. Rattapong Ampawanwong, Director of Bangkok International Hospital, and Mrs. Jiaranai Boonprasatsuk, Director of Marketing, Group 1 Bangkok Hospital, welcomed and co-presented information with Mr. Apichai Thammasornsuksuk, Director of the National Accounts Division, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), including experts in national balance sheet development and policy analysts who came to study the project on the analysis of the service sector structure after the coronavirus crisis, or COVID-2019, in terms of situation and medical and health service structures at the International Medical Services (IMS) center, which supports foreign patients from almost every nation with a team of interpreters in over 26 languages, and visited the Arab Medical Services (AMS) and the Japanese Medical Services (JMS) centers to benefit the planning of various strategies for developing Thailand’s recognition in medical and health services and to generate future income for the country.
The Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) has conducted a study visit to the Bangkok Hospital Headquarters' International Patient Service Center.
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