Preparing for the Arrival of Your Little One

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Preparing for the Arrival of Your Little One
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As you approach the delivery period, which is from 37 weeks onwards, mothers will feel that their abdomen lowers as the baby’s head moves down into the pelvis. This results in easier breathing, less feeling of fullness after eating, but at the same time, there will be more frequent pain in the pelvis, harder abdomen, more frequent urination, swollen feet, difficulty sitting and standing up, and more frequent leg cramps due to the baby’s head and the uterus pressing on veins and nerves in the pelvis. Thus, preparation before giving birth is important.

Prenatal Care

During this period close to childbirth, mothers may experience a lot of anxiety, sleeplessness, and worry about giving birth. However, it is important to stay positive and not depressed, as in most cases, pregnancy and childbirth occur naturally and most childbirths proceed normally. Mothers who have followed good prenatal care practices, taken medications, and followed the doctor’s advice, and are well-prepared, usually go through childbirth smoothly.

In this period close to childbirth, mothers who have to work hard or travel long distances should rest in preparation for delivery. It is advisable to exercise in the morning and evening, get some rest during the day, abstain from sexual intercourse, monitor oneself and the baby’s movements in the womb, which should not be less than 12 times/day. The baby may sleep intermittently, usually moving during the night

Signs to go to the hospital

  • Labor pains
  • Presence of mucous or blood from the vagina
  • Fresh blood discharge from the vagina requires an urgent hospital visit
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Clear fluid discharge from the vagina that is not urine, which may come out in a large amount all at once or in small amounts periodically
  • Feeling the baby is not moving
  • Any other abnormalities that the mother is unsure about should consult with a doctor or nurse in the delivery room at any time

Labor pains

Labor pain has to be distinguished between false labor and real labor, namely:
  • False labor pains start from the later stages of the sixth month caused by the uterine contractions to practice itself, which occur intermittently. Mothers may feel a slight pain or not feel pain while the uterus hardens. False labor becomes more frequent as it approaches the expected date of delivery. These false pains are irregular, sometimes more intense than others. When resting and observing, the pain subsides without any mucous or water breaking
  • True labor pains are often accompanied by the discharge of mucous or blood from the vagina, with consistent abdominal pain along with a tight abdomen. The pain becomes regular starting every half an hour and later every 10-15 minutes, increasing in frequency. If true labor pains are observed, it is advisable to go to the hospital immediately
