Treat nosebleeds with surgery.

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Treat nosebleeds with surgery.
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Nosebleeds in adults are often caused by abnormalities of the large blood vessels in the back of the nose, resulting from high blood pressure, diabetes, or aging. The bleeding is often heavy and comes out both through the front and down the throat. It may stop temporarily on its own but tends to recur if the underlying cause is not addressed.

Treating Nosebleeds

The standard treatment includes the use of gauze packed in layers inside the nostril (Anterior Posterior Nasal Packing) for about 3 – 5 days. While this method can stop the bleeding, it may cause breathing problems, leading to low blood oxygen, which is particularly concerning in elderly patients or those with pre-existing heart conditions. Additionally, there could be a risk of infection in the nostril.

Surgical Treatment of Nosebleeds

An alternative treatment for adult nosebleeds is surgery using a small camera to assist in tying off the bleeding blood vessels. If successful, this stops the bleeding immediately, negates the need for nasal packing, allows normal breathing and eating, and reduces hospital recovery time. This treatment requires specialized equipment and trained physicians.

The Ear, Nose, and Throat Center at Bangkok Hospital has medical personnel with expertise and modern equipment ready to offer surgical treatment for nosebleeds, especially in patients who are elderly, have heart conditions, have not benefited from standard treatments, or cannot tolerate the side effects of standard treatments.



For more information, please contact

Bangkok Ear Nose Throat Center

2nd Floor, Building B, Bangkok Hospital


Monday - Friday : 08.00 am. - 07.00 pm.

Saturday - Sunday : 08.00 am. - 04.00 pm.

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