What Parents Should Know About Their Newborn

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What Parents Should Know About Their Newborn

Parents are overjoyed with their newborn and often are overprotective.  This is the new beginning of their routine which needs to be adjusted.   Therefore, it is important that they know the important signs that should not be neglected so the baby will have a healthy development.  

Why Parents Need Newborn Screening

It is important that all newborns get a screening test to see if they have any health issues that can be cured.  In the past, only 2 conditions were tested: hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria.  But today, 40 conditions can be tested within the first 48-72 hours after birth.  The test will take only 4-6 drops of blood.  Problems can be corrected, so the baby can thrive healthily.  

What To Do If The Test Reveals A Condition?

Should the newborn screening show any abnormality, the baby will have another blood test for treatment planning.  Parents must follow doctor’s advice strictly to correct the problem. The faster the doctor finds out about the problem, the better the baby can be completely cured or help reduce the severity.

What is Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)?

NICU at Bangkok Hospital is ready to provide special care to premature babies who are born before 37 weeks. The NICU can handle preemies from the time they are born to 28 days old. They may suffer from health issues such as heart or digestive condition, fast breathing, panting, as well as babies who require immediate surgery right after birth.  The service also includes MOBILE NICU to care and transfer critically ill newborns via land, air or sea by multidisciplinary team of doctors 24/7.

Can Congenital Hypothyroidism Be Controlled Since Birth?

Congenital Hypothyroidism cannot be controlled but can be treated.  It is caused by abnormalities of the thyroid gland and iodine deficiency in the mother during pregnancy.  It is important that the babies should be diagnosed before they reach 3 months old, so they will have a normal development.  If they are treated too late, it will affect their nervous system which can lead to neurological disorder or mental retardation.   

Can Inherited Metabolic Disorders Be Severe?

Inherited Metabolic Disorders refer to a group of genetic defects that often run in the same family.  Although they are rare, there is no prevention.  They will lead to slow development and severe disability in newborns.  Early screening and detection can help treat them faster and reduce severity and death rates.

How Common is Infant Jaundice?

Infant jaundice usually occurs due to excessive bilirubin which is a yellow pigment in the baby’s blood and tissues.  The condition is caused by higher concentration of red blood cells and abnormal jaundice such as when baby’s and mother’s blood are incompatible, or red blood cells break down easily, etc.  If left untreated, the babies will have difficulty sucking milk, spasm, convulsion.


Why Newborns Need Incubation? 

Babies who were born prematurely or less than 36 weeks or weigh less than 1,700 grams, need to be in the incubator as they cannot adjust their own body temperature; or those critically ill babies who need close observation.  The incubator will have the same temperature as in their mother’s womb.  The baby will be ready to get out of the incubator when they have grown enough and can adjust their own body temperature without any complication.

What Are Risk Factors for Neonatal Intensive Care?

Risk factors for infants who require neonatal intensive care can come from either the mother or baby. For example, mothers who suffered from diabetes, hypertension, water breaks more than 18 hours before birth, placenta previa, bleeding, etc. can have high risk. Meanwhile, twin pregnancy, premature birth, as well as infections during pregnancy and unsuitable environment are also contributing factors.  Since the newborns cannot control their own body temperature, especially those less than a month old, the room environment should be at 25 degree Celsius so that swaddling or cuddling will not be too warm. If the newborns are too cold, they will need higher metabolism to compensate, which can interfere with their development. Thus, the room should not be too cold and parents should not swaddle their newborn too tight to avoid developing a fever or uncomfortable feeling.

Can Parents Visit Their Newborn in the NICU?

Parents can visit their newborn in NICU at Bangkok Hospital, as the environment in the incubator is similar to the mother’s womb.  Therefore, moms and dads can touch, whisper, talk and hold their baby and transfer their love so the baby will be a healthy development. 

How To Reduce Risks of Intensive Neontale Care

All pregnant mothers should have prenatal care with experienced obstetrician-gynecologist at a standardized medical facility and follow the advice closely.  After giving birth, mothers should seek support from lactation counselor about proper breastfeeding.  If there is any problem or abnormality, visit a doctor immediately. 


Why Breast Milk Is Important To Newborns?

Breast milk is the most important source of nutrition  for the newborns since it provides complete nutrients.  With breast milk, the babies will have good immunity, good health and will not get sick easily.  Mom and baby can exchange their love during breastfeeding which facilitates their development quicker as the bonding is the best stimulation for them.  Therefore, it is recommended that the newborns are breastfed for 6 months after they are born.

Neonatal-perinatal Specialist

Dr. Orawan Ithisophonkul, Neonatal-perinatal Specialist, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Bangkok Hospital

Click here to schedule your appointment

Hospital Specializes in Neonatal-perinatal Care

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Bangkok Hospital is ready to provide a 24/7 total care for your newborns by neonatal-perinatal specialist to plan the right treatment with complete details in every step.  We work systematically to coordinate with other hospitals for referred patients.  So, you and your baby can be healthy and have a good quality of life. 

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