Unlock Fitness without Losing Tightness

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Unlock Fitness without Losing Tightness
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The lockdown during COVID-19 forced many to stay at home almost all the time, barely moving, working from home all day, ordering food delivery including sweet, fatty, and salty foods to eat at home, which led to the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, belly fat, and fatty liver disease. Even after the lockdown is eased, it is essential not to neglect fitness for good health.

Lockdown Does Not Lock Down Diseases

Diseases associated with the COVID-19 lockdown include:

  • Diabetes Many people eat foods with a high sugar content, both knowingly and unknowingly, but exercise less. This increases the possibility of developing diabetes. In the early stages, some may have prediabetes, characterized by blood sugar levels that are higher than normal with a high risk, but not yet diabetes. Without prompt behavioral changes, such as regular exercise and strict diet control, diabetes can develop.
  • High Blood Pressure Results from blood pressure being higher than normal. It may not show symptoms but can lead to various complications. During lockdown, many consume salty foods more frequently and allow their weight to increase gradually. For those aged over 40 years  , allowing your weight to increase by 3 – 5 kilos continuously might reduce blood vessel flexibility, leading to high blood pressure.
  • Abdominal Obesity Can occur in anyone when eating more food, especially foods high in sugar and fat, such as pastries, sweets, coconut milk, chicken skin, pork fat, and more. Lack of exercise or not exercising at all leads to calorie intake exceeding calories burned, resulting in abdominal obesity, which may lead to further complications and chronic non-communicable diseases. 
  • Fatty Liver Disease Is a condition where fat accumulates in the liver, mostly in the form of triglycerides and turns into fatty acids that are stored in the liver. Usually does not show clear symptoms. Consuming sweet and fatty fried foods or reducing physical activity increases the risk of fatty liver disease. It is often detected during an annual health checkup. 

Metabolism Can Be Maintained

If physical activity decreases, metabolism will slow down. Therefore, even when staying at home, it is crucial to exercise to maintain metabolism. Running or cycling can help increase energy expenditure. It is recommended to exercise at least 3 times per week, each session lasting 30 minutes. If you remain sedentary besides not burning calories, eating more will lead to weight gain, which can contribute to obesity and fatty liver disease. Moreover, it is advisable to drink plenty of water daily, choose healthy proteins such as chicken breast, fish, tofu, etc., and ensure adequate sleep 7 – 8 hours.

Easing lockdown but not fitness

Fitness Maintenance Techniques

Techniques for maintaining fitness include:

  • Moderate intensity exercise 5 times a week, such as walking, jogging lightly, skipping rope, and more. 
  • If possible, do squat or plank exercises 2 times a week
    • Squat Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your hips without letting your knees extend beyond your toes, knees bent at 90 degrees, extend your arms forward for balance, then stand back up, tighten your abdomen, stretching up counts as 1 rep
    • Plank Start on your elbows with them aligned with the floor, lift your body in a straight line parallel to the floor, hold for 30 seconds. 
  • For the elderly, it is recommended to walk at least 15 minutes in the morningevening and gradually increase to 25 – 30 minutes.

Easing lockdown but not fitness

Diabetics Must Take Special Care

Diabetics should take good care of themselves, locked down or not including:

  • Consuming high-protein foods
  • Avoiding sweet snacks such as donuts, pastries, etc.
  • Eating fruits about 1 – 2 portions per meal
  • Drinking approximately 3 liters or 12 glasses of plain water per day
  • Avoiding soft drinks 
  • Increasing walking time to at least half an hour per day
  • Maintaining weight within the normal range
  • Keeping blood sugar levels normal
  • Seeing a doctor as scheduled, where the doctor will consider the blood sugar level. If the patient maintains good blood sugar control, appointments can be every 3 months, but if blood sugar levels are high, appointments might be every 1 – 2 months.
  • Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 to lessen severity if infected
  • Diabetics who recover from COVID-19 can start exercising again after 4 – 6 weeks.

Maintaining health is crucial, whether in lockdown or after easing. Being fit and strong is always important, notably wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, maintaining social distancing, avoiding crowded places, not sharing personal items, and seeking medical help if any unusual symptoms appear.




For more information, please contact

Bangkok Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrine Center

2 nd Floor Bangkok Hospital Building

Monday-Friday: 7.00 - 16.00

Saturday-Sunday: 7.00 – 16.00