Who are geriatricians?
Geriatricians are internists who have undergone additional training specifically in the care and treatment of the elderly. An analogy would be a cardiologist, who is an internist that has specialized further in heart disease for the specific care and treatment of heart patients.
Why do we need geriatricians?
Nowadays, people are living longer. With age, the elderly are more likely to have multiple chronic conditions that require treatment from various specialists and a variety of medications. Additionally, there are age-related changes, such as in vision and hearing. Caring for the health of the elderly is complex, hence the elderly should have a primary doctor who understands how to treat aging-related conditions and can coordinate care with various specialists to ensure the most effective treatment.
What is treatment with a geriatrician like?
Treatment with a geriatrician is called holistic or comprehensive care. It focuses on overall health rather than treating just one disease at a time. Many conditions in the elderly, such as osteoarthritis and dementia, are managed not necessarily for cure but for maintaining as normal a life as possible. This involves early detection assessments such as for early-stage dementia or incontinence, general health care guidance, recommendations for appropriate exercise programs, what vaccines are needed at their age, and cancer screenings.
Additionally, drug use will be assessed by a pharmacist, as the elderly often use multiple medications, some of which may interact negatively with each other or be inappropriate for use in the elderly. Improper use of medication can be hazardous to their health, including life-threatening situations. Nutritional supplements that are appropriate to their needs will also be assessed, as the elderly often face nutritional issues. This includes nutrition screening by a dietician to provide personalized advice.
Who is a geriatric specialist?
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