STOP-BANG questionnaire is a self-test for sleep apnea condition.
Cancers in the head and throat area are found to be as common as other types of the disease, being ranked in the top 5 among Thai cancer patients.
Depression can happen. If treated early, there is more chance of a cure. If left untreated, it may affect your life.
Vaccination as disease prevention is important. Senior citizens should not ignore or become complacent about it.
During the rainy season, there are so many threats to your health. Especially as flood water cannot be drained swiftly, the risks are greater. Leptospirosis in particular, if left untreated, can be life-threatening. So, it is prudent to be aware of its risks and symptoms. If you notice any sign of the disease, please consult a doctor promptly for treatment before it has become too severe.
"Broken scaphoid bone" primarily occurs due to falling and using the hands to brace the impact, or being hit directly on the scaphoid bone. Minimally invasive surgery can reduce pain, minimize complications, and enable a quicker recovery.. ready to return to normal life as desired.
Because surgery involving bones and joints may be more complex than one might think... Let's find out about pre-surgery preparation and the devices used to hold the bones together, as well as treatment options in case of a fracture.
Is surgery always required for a broken bone? Will the function return to normal after surgery? Get clear, reliable information about bones for appropriate and effective treatment.
The health of the little ones is something about which parents are always concerned and worried, especially respiratory system diseases in children which is quite common but can be harmful. As parents, it is important that you know about their danger so that you are well prepared to promptly take appropriate actions, to prevent any harmful effect that may have an impact on your children’s development and overall health in the long run.
For the little ones with special developmental and behavioral needs, autism, or attention deficit disorder, it is recommended that they see our pediatricians and receive group preparatory training as prescribed by our Hospital Kindergarten’s program, so that they will grow up with quality at every stage of their lives.
Cancer is one of the top health hazards that claims lives worldwide and has a propensity to increase annually. Be it women or men, children or senior citizens, all have a chance to be affected by cancer, particularly if it is discovered in advanced stages, which will be harder to cure.