So stressed! Are you "Too stressed out"?<br /> What exactly is considered too much stress!
5 simple exercises that help restore the lungs and strengthen the respiratory system. Try practicing them with Khun Mujirarasm Patrachariyakul, a yoga instructor at Jit Raksa Center, Bangkok Hospital.
Owning to advances in diagnostic technology, imaging test such as a low-dose computed tomography (also called a low-dose CT scan) has become the recommended screening test for lung cancer.
Scoliosis is defined as a sideways curvature of the spine that most often is diagnosed in adolescents. Nevertheless, scoliosis can actually happen in people of all ages with a wide range of causes.
COVID-19 cases continue to increase steadily. Therefore, if diagnosed with COVID-19, self-assessing your symptoms to determine if you fall under the green, yellow, or red patient category for appropriate treatment can help reduce the severity and prevent potential fatalities.
If you experience dizziness and spinning, when symptoms improve, many tend to be complacent and think it's nothing serious. While in reality, dizziness and spinning are warning signs from the body indicating various diseases. Hence, recognizing the signs and seeking medical attention promptly when symptoms arise is crucial and should not be ignored under any circumstances.
The COVID-19 pandemic situation continues to persist. Therefore, expectant mothers must take strict care of themselves and their little ones following medical advice. This is because if a pregnant woman becomes ill with COVID-19, not only can she experience more severe symptoms than the general population, but there is also a risk of death.
COVID-19 patients who had severe condition which required endotracheal intubation for a long period of time might have laryngotracheal or vocal cords complications such as swelling, bruising, inflammation, or scarring. Therefore, you should observe yourself and contact your physician immediately if there’s something wrong.
The unexpected consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have thrown normal life out of gear with no immediate end in sight.
Eye disorders can be caused by various factors, resulting in various signs and symptoms. They can be as trivial as minor irritation or pain all the way to blurred vision or blindness. The four most common eye diseases, pterygium, pinguecula, cataract, and glaucoma, are worth knowing to keep your eyes safe.
Dry eye disease is a common and often chronic problem, affecting daily life and activity of people of all ages. Dry eyes develop when the tears are not able to provide adequate lubrication for the eyes.