In the era of Covid-19, it's undeniable that people of all genders and ages are living their lives online almost all day long. Whether it's online learning, online meetings, online shopping, or chatting via computers, smartphones, tablets which emit blue light from their screens. Therefore, knowing about blue light and taking proper care to prevent it will help keep unexpected eye diseases at bay.
Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi or nephrolithiasis are hard deposits made of minerals that form inside the kidneys. Although kidney stones can strike anyone at any age, men are more susceptible to develop this condition than women. Peak incidence occurs between ages 30 to 40 years. If they are left untreated, serious complications might potentially develop, including infection of the kidney, sepsis, injury to ureter and impaired kidney function that eventually leads to chronic kidney disease. Knowing the warning signs of kidney stone allows for an early diagnosis and effective treatment given in a timely manner before the condition severely progresses.
Influenza (flu) and COVID-19, the pandemic illness caused by SARS-CoV-2, are both contagious respiratory diseases, affecting the lungs and respiratory symptoms.
Rehabilitation Center, Bangkok Hospital has launched a revolutionizing aquatic therapy, known as “aquatic treadmill”. Aiming at enhancing rehabilitation and physical performance, aquatic treadmill deploys hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy and resistance in the water.
Experiencing symptoms e.g. eye irritation, redness, discharge, easily fatigued eyes and blurred vision might be potentially associated with dry eye syndrome. One of contributing factors to dry eye syndrome is meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) defined as blockage or other abnormality of the meibomian glands, tiny oil glands which line the margin of the eyelids. The normal tears are made up of three layers – a lipid layer, a watery or aqueous layer and a mucous layer. If the oil gland openings get plugged up or obstructed, meibomian glands do not secrete sufficient oil into the tears, leading to evaporative dry eye that often causes eye irritation and eye lid infections. Knowing warning signs of meibomian gland dysfunction allows for early diagnosis and appropriate treatments before dry eye syndrome develops.
Different illegal drugs have different mechanism of actions, leading to a wide variety of negative health effects including fatal consequence. However, these physical and mental impacts are individually influenced by several factors. This makes them unpredictable and dangerous, especially for new illicit drugs or mixtures. K powdered milk is a cocktail of narcotics made of ketamine laced with methamphetamine, heroin and the anti-anxiety medications or sleeping pills, all crushed up together resembling powdered milk. This narcotic mixture is suspected to be linked to a number of sudden deaths even during the first use.
Flatfoot is a foot deformity condition associated with collapse or absence of the foot arch that supports the weight of the body in the erect posture with the least weight.
Most countries in the world have rising life expectancy and ageing population due to advanced medical technology. Particularly in Thailand, the number of population aged over 60 has been increasing continuously, allowing for the country to become super aged society.
HPV stands for human papillomavirus. HPV infection is the most common sexually transmitted infection. There are a large number of discovered HPV strains that lead to different diseases.
Today, there are up to 1,600 fatalities from accidental falls in Thailand. It is the second leading cause of unintentional deaths, following road accidents.
Even if one takes good care of their physical health, it doesn't guarantee that they will be free from illness or disease forever. For example, emergency heart conditions can occur suddenly. One might be enjoying a New Year's party and suddenly experience symptoms of a heart disease, even if they have never detected any abnormalities before. However, if there is a risk, one may still encounter such conditions.