Rheumatic heart disease is a complication of rheumatic fever in which the heart valves have been permanently damaged. Recent clinical researches indicate that the mortality rate from this disease remains up to 1.5 % of all causes of death among Thai population. Typically, rheumatic heart disease does not produce any noticeable signs and symptoms in its early stage.
“Chest pain” might be a warning sign of a heart attack. Not all heart problems come with clear warning signs. Chest pain might happen during daily activities or exercise. Some people may feel tightness, pain, or aching sensation in their chest that may spread to their neck, jaw, or shoulder. Sweating and irregular heart beat might also be signs of a heart attack. If you have any of these symptoms, you should call an ambulance right away.
Everyone is entitled to celebrate, party and enjoy and themselves. But how should you celebrate without harming your health? Here is what to dip, what to sip, and which food you should feel free to pile onto your plate at your next party.
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is a surgery performed in patients with significant narrowing and blockage of heart arteries. It is best performed in patients with multiple blockages in multiple locations. This can relieve chest pain and prolong life.
Each year in the United States, aortic aneurysm rupture causes 15,000 deaths where 90-95% of patients die before reaching a hospital because of massive blood loss.
After months of anticipation, meeting your baby for the first time will surely be one of the most memorable experiences of your life. Adjusting to everyday life after the birth of a baby has its challenges, especially if you are a new mother. Although it is important to care for your baby, you also have to take care of yourself especially the heart.
Getting good care before, during and after pregnancy remains crucially vital. It can help babies completely grow and develop. However, cardiac disease in the pregnant patients can present challenges in cardiovascular and maternal-fetal management.
Current researches have indicated that the most common health-related problems in women do not only include cervical cancer and breast cancer, but cardiovascular disease. A number of women diagnosed with cardiovascular disease has continued to rise worldwide.
Among heart valve disease, mitral stenosis (MS) is the most common manifestation of rheumatic heart disease found in pregnant women. It is one of the most common causes of maternal death from cardiac causes worldwide. Whether or not to get pregnant safely in women diagnosed with heart valve disease, it entirely depends on the disease severity and individual conditions of each patient.
“Coronary artery disease or CAD” is defined as the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, usually caused by atherosclerotic plaque which is made of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other cellular substances that tend to accumulate on the inner walls of the arteries.
The recent statistical data has firmly indicated that the epidemic trend of cardiovascular disease in Thai population is continued rising increasingly every year.
Many misunderstood that “Heart Failure” is a disease. In actual fact, doctors consider it a syndrome by which the patient’s heart fails because it does not function properly.