Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women that is continuously on the rise. As a consequent, women should take charge to lower the risk and protect themselves from breast cancer
6 Things to Know When Faced with a Situation of Being Squeezed Until You Can't Breathe
Tips for Self-Care During Pregnancy for New Mothers, Along with Techniques for Successful Breastfeeding and Managing Unexpected Preterm Birth
Mom and dad waiting to welcome a new member to their family are often worried about the health of their expected baby, especially about Down Syndrome that is an incurable genetic disorder. So, they need to be aware of the condition and take care of their pregnancy properly according to the doctor’s advice, to reduce risk of Down Syndrome in their child.
What are the 9 warning signs of diabetes?
Techniques for Organizing a Medicine Cabinet to Prepare for the Arrival of the Little One, the New Family Member. Parents should have essential medicines at home for use when a child is sick or in case of an emergency, such as fever reducers, decongestants, antiemetics, and antibiotics.
People who snore should check their sleep quality with WATCH-PAT
Snoring is a serious health problem that you should not ignore.
STOP-BANG questionnaire is a self-test for sleep apnea condition.
Cancers in the head and throat area are found to be as common as other types of the disease, being ranked in the top 5 among Thai cancer patients.
Depression can happen. If treated early, there is more chance of a cure. If left untreated, it may affect your life.