At-Home Health Check-up

At-Home Health Check-up Image

Expire Date 31/12/2025

28,800 - 35,400 Baht

For more information, please contact

Stay Healthy … At Home.
New era of health check-up for your convenience and personal healthcare planning.

Male At-Home Health Check-Up 28,800 THB.
Female At-Home Health Check-Up 35,400 THB.

Lab items and description

At-Home Health Check-up

Male Female

Vital signs

 ●   ● 

Physical examination

 ●   ● 


Hearing Screening

 ●   ● 
Vision Eye Screening by opthalmologist  ●   ● 
Complete blood count (CBC) Complete Blood Count  ●   ● 
Blood sugar levels Fasting Blood Sugar  ●   ● 
HbA1C  ●   ● 
Kidney function test BUN  ●   ● 
Creatinine  ●   ● 

Serum uric acid test

Uric Acid  ●   ● 
Lipid profile Cholesterol  ●   ● 
Triglycerides  ●   ● 
HDL – Cholesterol  ●   ● 
LDL – Cholesterol  ●   ● 
Liver function test Alkaline Phosphatase   ●   ● 
GGT   ●   ● 
Bilirubin   ●   ● 
Total Protein   ●   ● 
SGOT  ●   ● 
SGPT  ●   ● 

Thyroid function test

TSH  ●   ● 
Free T3  ●   ● 
Free T4  ●   ● 

Protein associated with inflammation

CRP (C-Reactive Protein High Sens.)

 ●   ● 
Urine examination Urine Examination  ●   ● 
Stool examination Stool Examination & Occult blood  ●   ● 

Tumor marker for liver cancer

AFP  ●   ● 
Tumor marker for pancreatic cancer

CA 19-9

 ●   ● 

Tumor marker for colon cancer

CEA  ●   ● 
Tumor marker for prostate cancer PSA  ● 
Vitamin B12 level Vit B12  ●   ● 

Vitamin D level

Vitamin D (25- Hydroxy vitamin D total)  ● 


EKG  ●   ● 

The ankle-brachial index test (arm-leg)

ABI  ●   ● 

Carotid Doppler ultrasonography

Carotid Doppler Ultrasound

 ●   ● 

Exercise stress test

Exercise Stress Test

 ●   ● 

Chest X-ray

Chest X-ray

 ●   ● 

Whole abdomen ultrasound (including prostate in male and uterus and ovaries in female)

Ultrasound Whole abdomen

 ●   ● 

Bone Mineral Density



Digital Mammogram and Ultrasound Breast (both sides)

Digital Mammogram and Ultrasound Breast both sides


Cervical cancer screening

Thin prep pap smear


Check-up report

Check-up Report

 ●   ● 

Lifestyle recommendation by doctor via Teleconsultation

 ●   ● 
Result interpretation by doctor via Teleconsultation  ●   ● 
Follow-up and consultation with doctor via Teleconsultation 2 times (15 min/time)  ●   ● 
Food coupon  ●   ● 
Total Price 55,225 66,468
Package Price 28,800 35,400

At-Home Health Check-up Package details



  • These prices include doctor fees and follow-up
  • Service is available at Health Design Center. Please make an appointment Tel. +662-755-1591 and +662-310-3284
  • In-home blood collection is available in Bangkok and metropolitan areas.
  • These packages are valid from 1 January – 31 December 2025.

For more information, please contact
