TUNE YOUR CANCER (FEMALE) PLUS. Reduce your risks …. Keep an eye on cancers

Expire Date 31/12/2024
23,000 Baht

For more informations, please contact

Cancer Risk Screening

Cancer might get closer to you especially in people aged over 40 or people with family history of cancer. High-risk group also refers to those who have used certain hormonal drugs, who are obese or who have unhealthy lifestyle, e.g. alcohol drinking and smoking. Without the presence of any signs, cancer risk screening is still advised in people posing risks, enabling a timely treatment with an increased chance of survival.

Cancer Screening for Female

Basic Measurement : Vital Signs, Body Mass Index (BMI)

Physical Examination by Medical Physician

Blood Tests: Complete Blood Count

Sugar Profile: Fasting Blood Sugar

Sugar Profile: HbA1C

Lipid Profile: Cholesterol

Lipid Profile: HDL

Lipid Profile: LDL

Lipid Profile: Triglyceride

Kidney Function Test: BUN

Kidney Function Test: Creatinine

Kidney Function Test: eGFR

Uric Acid

Liver Function Test: SGPT

Liver Function Test: SGOT


Imaging Investigation: Chest X-Ray

Cardiovascular Investigation: Electrocardiogram (EKG)

HBs Ag,

Anti HBs,

Anti HCV

Ferritin level

Tumor Markers: CEA

Tumor Markers: CA.19-9

Tumor Markers: CA.125 and HE4

Stool exam & occult blood

Imaging Investigation: Ultrasound Whole Abdomen

Pep Smear (Thin Prep) and Pelvic Examination

Imaging Investigation: Digital Mammogram/ Ultrasound Breast

Package price (THB) 23,000

Terms and Conditions:

  • These health screening packages apply to outpatients who are self-dependent.
  • Please refrain from eating and drinking at least 8-10 hours prior to the tests. (Drinking water is allowed.)
  • Please make an appointment at least 3 days in advance. If you cannot receive service on the appointed date, please kindly inform Contact Center Tel.1719.
  • The hospital reserves the right to adjust the price without prior notice.
  • For more information, please contact Health Design Center, 5th floor, R-Building Tel. 02-755-1591 and 02-310-3284 or Contact Center Tel. 1719. Service hours: 7.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m.
  • Services are available from 20 Feb – 31 Dec 2024.
For more information, please contact
Health Design Center
5 th Floor, R Building
Daily 07.00 am. – 03.00 pm.
