Allergy and Asthma Center

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The Allergy & Asthma Center at Bangkok Hospital offers a full range of allergy and asthma-related services including; treatment for child and adult patients, covering diagnosis, treatment, medication and allergen immunotherapy, as well as consultancy, education and detailed monitoring. The center is operated in accordance with international standards by a team of highly qualified and experienced allergists and asthma specialists.

When should you see an allergy specialist?

  1. You frequently suffer from colds
  2. You frequently sneeze, have a runny and stuffy nose, irritation in the throat or phlegm in the throat, especially when the weather changes
  3. You frequently suffer difficulty in breathing, sinusitis and infection
  4. You frequently endure headaches and irregular fatigue with cold symptoms
  5. You suffer chronic rashes or hives with unknown causes
  6. You suffer warning signs of asthma, such as difficulty in breathing, congested chest, wheezing, coughing, especially at night or after exercise
  7. You are suffering from asthma and undergoing treatment without improvement and symptoms recur frequently
  8. Allergic to food or drugs
  9. When you take antihistamine or other non-prescription drugs but the symptoms persist or you suffer negative side-effects such as fatigue, drowsiness and moodiness.
  10. You have used other kinds of therapy such as herbal, macrobiotic diet,acupuncture or acupressure but have not achieved effective results.

Services offered by Bangkok Allergy & Asthma Center:

Allergy and asthma are highly complex disorders. Causes vary according to age,symptoms and types of diseases. There are mild types which interfere with normal daily life and extremely severe types which can be fatal. Accordingly, Bangkok Allergy ,Asthma Center offers the following wide range of services:

  • Diagnosis of the causes (Allergy Test)
  • Diagnosis and treatment of allergies, especially allergic rhinitis, chronic cold and sinusitis
  • Diagnosis and treatment of asthma, chronic coughing, spells of coughing, in both children and adults
  • Evaluation of asthmatic symptoms with complex causes such as sinusitis,Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or hypertension medicine
  • Evaluation of the condition of chronic sinusitis and respiratory tract infection
  • Evaluation of patients with allergic rhinitis, food allergy or food additive allergy
  • Evaluation of urticaria (hives) related to allergy and food allergy
  • Evaluation of multi-cause allergies
  • Asthma Study Program
  • Drug Allergy Test
  • Insect Sting Allergy Test

For more information, please contact

Bangkok Allergy and Asthma Center

3rd Floor, Building A, Bangkok Hospital

Mon-Thu 8 am. - 5 pm.

Fri-Sat 8 am. - 4 pm.

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