Regardless of the season, when the weather changes – unpredictably sunny, rainy or cold – it can trigger your allergies.
Pet lovers can experience allergies from their favorite animals, especially popular pets such as cats, dogs, rabbits, and mice.
PM 2.5 are polluted particles in the air that are extremely small. Once you inhale these particles deep into your bronchial tract, your trachea and alveoli (air sac) will become inflamed. This will be very harmful to your respiratory system, and even worsen the conditions in allergy patients.
Nobody likes allergy. Regardless of its type, allergy still has an effect on the body – especially allergic contact dermatitis, which results in rashes swelling, reddish skin, itches, and blisters.
Urticaria, though not life threatening, can affect normal daily life – especially the rashes from Chronic Urticaria which can become a source of irritation in the long run.
Influenza (flu) and COVID-19, the pandemic illness caused by SARS-CoV-2, are both contagious respiratory diseases, affecting the lungs and respiratory symptoms.
Allergic diseases and asthma in children tend to be genetically influenced. Therefore, if either or both parents suffer from allergies, there is a likelihood that their children might also experience symptoms of allergic diseases.
Food allergy is defined as an immune system response that occurs after eating certain foods. Even a tiny amount of the allergy-causing food can trigger a wide range of signs and symptoms, extending from skin rash, diarrhea, swollen airways to breathing difficulties.
An allergy is one of the most common chronic diseases that can be found in people of all age groups. An allergy is an immune system response to a certain foreign substances that are not typically harmful to the body.
Of the diseases that are caused by allergies, Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis have the most impact on a person’s quality of life. Symptoms may be both acute and chronic, and vary with each individual patient.