Civil Aeromedical Center, Bangkok Hospital

Fit to Fly Assessment Services

  • Assessment Fit to fly conditions after illness, surgery, accidents, etc.
    •  Pilots
    • Air crews
    •  Passengers
    • Flight personnels
    • Personnels in related to Aviation field
    • High attitude tour/ Tourism and activities

FIT to FLY Test

Hypoxic challenge test, also known as a fit to fly test by word acceptable instrument
called Reduce Oxygen Breathing Device (ROBD)

This test will recreates the oxygen levels as same as on an aeroplane and measures how your body responds. The test involves breathing in air containing less oxygen than normal and seeing how it affects you in a controlled environment. Results of the test will show if you need additional oxygen when you fly.

Oxygen levels are only kept at this level up to 8,000 ft in the air. Above this, the amount of oxygen in the air drops to about 15%. This leads to lower levels of oxygen in your blood.

  • If you do not have a lung condition, heart diseases or any diseases affect your body oxygen level, the drop in oxygen is not enough that you would feel the difference.
  • If you have a lung condition, heart diseases or any diseases affect your body oxygen levels, your oxygen level may already be low, or your lungs may not be able to work properly to keep the amount of oxygen in your blood at a safe level.
  • High Altitude Simulation Test (HAST) is a test to determine if you need supplemental oxygen when you fly on an airplane or go to a higher altitude area.

For more information, please contact

Civil Aeromedical Center, Bangkok Hospital

Health Design Center, 5th Floor, R Building

Mon - Fri 07.00 am. - 04.00 pm.

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