GI and Liver Center

  • Diagnostic Radiology without injection Ultrasonography such as Ultrasound upper abdomen
  • Diagnostic Radiology with injection
    • Barium Swallowing
    • Upper gastrointestinal examination
    • Long gastrointestinal examination
    • Barium Enema
  • Computerrised Tomography (Spiral CT Scan) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • GI Endoscopy
    • Gastroscopy
    • Colonoscopy
    • Sigmoidoscopy
    • Polypectomy
    • EVS, EVL (Endoscopic variceal treatment)
    • PEG (Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy)
    • Diagnostic RECP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)
    • Therapeutic ERCP (Sphincterotomy, Stone extraction)
  • GI Pathology
  • Intervention Radiology
    • TOCE (Transcatheter oily chemo-embolization)
    • FNA (Fine needle aspiration) and Liver Biopsy
  • Urea Breath Test

For more information, please contact

GI & Liver Center

2nd Floor, D Building, Bangkok Hospital

Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun 07.00 - 04.00 pm.

Wed, Fri 07.00 am. - 06.00 pm.

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