Rehabilitation Center

Rehabilitation therapy to strengthen hand and arm muscles

The hand and arm rehabilitation program enhances the hand and arm muscles while restoring their functions. This program allows the patients to fully conduct their daily tasks and activities by using visual feedback system. The program has been specially designed to promote muscular activation and response best suited to each individual. Under the close supervision of the occupational therapist, a wide variety of rehabilitation devices and training equipment are enable the patient to strengthen critical muscles and regain muscular functions. During the program, resistance and range of motion can be modified by weight and range adjustment to activate muscle movements as safely and individually designed.

This program is suitable for: 

  • Patients experiencing post COVID-19 syndrome
  • Patients with neurological diseases
  • Patients with orthopedic and muscular conditions
  • Elderly people   

Hand Rehabilitation Training
Training devices and equipment for hand and arm rehabilitation 

  1. Wrist ulnar and radial deviation training
  2. Fingers flexion and extension training
  3. Horizontal pulling training
  4. Handling and lifting training
  5. Thumb-strengthening training
  6. Palm grip strengthening training
  7. Wrist rotation and grip strengthening training
  8. Finger extensor training
  9. Finger symmetric training
  10. Finger pinching training
  11. Forearm rotation training 
  12. Wrist flexion and extension training


  • Activating the movement of hand and arm
  • Strengthening muscles and improving muscular resistance in the hand and arm
  • Promoting proprioception of the joints in the upper extremities
  • Restoring the function of neuromuscular system involving nervous system and muscles to work together after injuries 
  • Facilitating the coordination of muscle movements 

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