Men’s Health & Prostate Center


Stay relaxed under the comfort of our complete men’s health care and the selection of our personalized treatment for you”


Men’s Health & Prostate Center is prepared to provide treatment for sexual dysfunction in men that includes erectile dysfunction, testosterone deficiency or male menopause, enlarged prostate, and prostate cancer.  For your care, we offer a team of experienced specialists who are experts in the most modern medical technology.

Our Services

Men’s Health & Prostate Center provides the following services:

  1. Prostate Clinic
    You can select the type of treatment for your enlarged prostate that will cause few side-effects from the list below:
    • Medication to help relax the bladder muscle
    • ReZum Water Vapor Therapy for prostate problems: a specialist inserts an endoscope into urethra and releases steam into the enlarged area.  The vapor disperses between dead prostate cells which are pressuring urethra to widen it.  It is a short procedure after which the doctor will insert a Foley’s catheter into the urinary tract to heal the swelling and accelerate recovery.
    • Laser Surgeries and Cystoscopy Procedures:
      • Green Light PVP: Photo – Selective Vaporization of Prostate that utilizes a thin flexible tube with a camera attached at the tip.  The implement is inserted into the urethra and delivers a high-power laser energy to relieve the blockage in the prostate.
      • Thulium Laser Vaporesection of the Prostate provides the same excellent result as PVP but can also resecting the blockage tissues into small pieces.
      • Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) uses an instrument to cut and remove a section of the prostate while coagulating the bleeding with monopolar current at the same time
      • Transurethral Vaporized of the Prostate (TUVP) or Transurethral Plasma Enucleation of the Prostate uses an instrument to cut and remove a section of the prostate while coagulating the bleeding with bipolar current at the same time, to help preserve the tissue beneath the affected area from thermal damage.
    • Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) for enlarged Prostate is the use of a small thin tube with a tiny camera that is inserted through the penis into the urethra to remove the blockage. This procedure requires a small incision that yields minimal pain and fast recovery.
      • To restore your quality of life, our method of Prostate Cancer care focuses on the treatment according to the stage of cancer and our patient’s potential health risks.  We offer:
      • Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)
      • MRI-guided prostate biopsy
      • Robotic-Assisted Surgery using Da Vinci Xi
      • Radiotherapy
      • Hormonal Therapy
      • Chemotherapy
  2. Men’s Health Clinic offers consultation, diagnosis and treatment for:
    • Sexual Dysfunction in men
    • Erectile Dysfunction (ED) when entering male menopause age or 50-60 years old and over
    • Testosterone Deficiency or male menopause
    • Penile prosthesis

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For more information, please contact

Urology Center

3rd Floor, Building C, Bangkok Hospital

Open every day from 8.00-15.00 hrs.

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