Trauma Center (Call 1724)

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Our Mission

The mission of the Bangkok trauma center is to provide the highest quality, cost-effective care to critically injured trauma patients throughout Southeast Asia. This mission is accomplished through the extraordinary commitment of multidisciplinary care team. Our mission is driven by evidence-based treatment guidelines, education and research. We fulfill the mission of excellence in trauma care through a comprehensive ongoing process of rigorous quality improvement program and trauma registry.

Trauma Registry

Our trauma registry provides the backbone for trending performance and outcome data, data analysis, performance and identification of system-related issues. The trauma registry maintains a record for each trauma patient admitted to the hospital. The staff collects over 120 data points of information on each patient, including ICD-9 coding and an injury severity score (ISS).Year-to-year, the registry staff studies the patterns, severity and causes of injuries that affect our community and quality Improvement of trauma care. This information is used for research that will improve care of injured patients in the communities we serve.


Expert and Collaborative Care

Our team responds to the highest level of critical injury. Equipped with special facilities, advanced technology and highly trained personnel, the Trauma Center operates 24/7 and admits over 1,000 patients a year who have experienced severe injury. Our multidisciplinary team includes highly trained trauma surgeons, psychiatrists, rehabilitation physicians, trauma nurses, clinical pharmacists ,nutritionists , occupational and physical therapists. We work closely with specialists across various disciplines to provide optimal care to patients for every aspect of injury and recovery. Academically we affiliated with Hannover medical school in Germany.


Leader in Trauma Research and Education

Our physicians are committed to discovering new methods of treating critically ill trauma patients through laboratory, outcomes and clinical research programs. The researches focus critical outcomes of initial trauma care, new therapies and medical devices. Our team members bring together expertise in basic science research, clinical outcomes, injury prevention and translational research. 
We provide ongoing education for the next generation of trauma professionals, including residents, fellows, nurses, medical students and international medical graduates. Our center directs the Annual Bangkok Trauma Symposium which provides trauma educational opportunities for physicians, nurses, paramedics, and other healthcare providers from rural areas in Thailand. We also hosts Advanced Trauma Life Support(ATLS) courses with royal college of surgeons of Thailand. Bangkok Simulation center is another effort to train our team in emergency complex situations.

BDMS trauma network

Despite decades of progress in the development of trauma centers and trauma systems, injury remains the leading cause of lives lost and chronically disabled every year. Within our BDMS community, each of our regional trauma centers collaborate with programs aimed to save lives and reduce the disability of our patients.
There are forty-seven hospitals in the Bangkok Dusit Medical Services hospital group, and our trauma center is the head quarter of twelve Centers of Excellence for Trauma in BDMS. The center serves as a referral point for other hospitals both domestically and overseas. From network referral agreement, we have a chance to provide appropriated care for injured patients with most complex trauma and underlying diseases.

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