BDMS has recently launched new innovative application: BDMS HEALTH PASSPORT as new option gathering and being accessed your health information all in one application for your best convenience by searching and making doctor’s appointment, accessing your health history, including updated promotion and a variety of privileges
BDMS HEALTH PASSPORT APPLICATION: convenient and rapid services at your fingertips; JUST download BDMS HEALTH PASSPORT, verify through OTP via mobile telephone then complete your information for access of your health history. Once registered, promptly login the application
BDMS HEALTH PASSPORT provides several functions for ease of communication with us as below
1) View Personal Health Record
- Health Record
- Health Checkup Result
- LAB Result
You can view your previous health history in BDMS network and compare previous health records how you should thoroughly check and take care of your health as appropriate. In addition, you can quickly view history of your health checkup if you already undergo the checks in BDMS network.

2) Make Appointment by E-mail
- Make Doctor Appointment
- Checkup Appointment
You also can make a doctor appointment of any in BDMS network as required by searching, making appointment and selecting a specialist then the system will make an appointment and the hospital will confirm the appointment with you via telephone call within 24 hours.
3) View Packages & Promotions
A number of packages, promotions, and privileges
4) BDMS Network Information
Contact information and maps of Networked BDMS hospitals
VDO Application BDMS Health Passport
BDMS Network covers all medical treatments within Thailand and Overseas
BDMS is pleased to take a part to promote everyone Good health
Operated by Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited
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