Benefits of Using an Insulin Pump

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Benefits of Using an Insulin Pump
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An insulin pump mimics the release of insulin hormone from the pancreas, maintaining a relatively constant level of insulin in the body. When eating, it can immediately increase the insulin medication without needing multiple daily injections. This reduces the chance of hypoglycemia while still being able to control the average accumulated blood sugar level (HbA1c) within a good range. It improves patient’s quality of life because you can decide when to eat, how much to eat, and occasionally enjoy sweet foods unlike with injections where you must eat on schedule to avoid hypoglycemia, and maintain a consistent daily intake to prevent blood sugar levels from fluctuating too much, and control the consumption of very sweet foods.

Therefore, using an insulin pump can let individuals control their lives, such as when they want to exercise, wake up, and eat. Additionally, using the pump can reduce the daily dose of insulin.



  • For effective diabetes management, helping in reducing the average accumulated blood sugar levels (HbA1c)
  • Reduces the number of instances of low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia) compared to the group of patients who use multiple daily injection methods per meal (Multiple Daily Injection)



Reduces the risks of long-term complications as follows
  • Cardiovascular damage by more than 41%
  • Diabetic neuropathy by more than 60%
  • Diabetic nephropathy by more than 54%
  • Diabetic retinopathy by more than 63%



  • Helps in reducing the number of times of pain from multiple daily injections because using an Insulin Pump involves a device that administers insulin through a small plastic tube attached to the subcutaneous layer, which is quality certified and can be changed by oneself every 3 days




For more information, please contact

Bangkok Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrine Center

2 nd Floor Bangkok Hospital Building

Monday-Friday: 7.00 - 16.00

Saturday-Sunday: 7.00 – 16.00

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