Computer Guided Implant Surgery: Precision Dental Implant

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Computer Guided Implant Surgery: Precision Dental Implant

In the process of replacing a loss tooth with a dental implant, the procedure used to determine the proper location for the implant is of great importance.  The common technique is to produce an imprint of the patient’s mouth together with a radiograph to locate where the implant should be placed.  This relies principally on the experience and expertise of the dentist.  Now, the computer guided implant surgery that employs computerized technology to procedure images of the oral cavity and the teeth imprint can be utilized to help identify the location for the implant, by allowing the dentist to better see a complete detail that corresponds to the real conditions.  Through the computer program the dentist is able to determine where the implant will be inserted and, then, accurately relay the information from the computer screen onto the actual location in the patient’s mouth.


What is Computer Guided Implant Surgery?

Computer Guided Implant Surgery is the procedure that utilizes a computer program in conjunction with 3D imaging (Cone-Beam CT) to help plan and identify the location for a dental implant.  The computer program combines an image of the patient’s oral cavity or teeth imprint with 3D radiograph to produce a virtual reality image that shows the relationship between bone structure and position of the teeth as well as other important organs, such as nerves and sinuses.  This will allow the appropriate size and precise location of the implant to be properly selected according to the actual position, enabling greater effectiveness.

The Computer Guided Implant Surgery Process

  1. Oral Cavity Inspection: This involve making an imprint of the teeth or a scan of the oral cavity, and creating a 3D radiograph.
  2. Treatment Plan Preparation: The images from the scan and the 3D radiograph are merged together using a computer program.  This will allow the dentist to determine the proper length and size of the implant, based on factors such as the amount of available bone and various nearby important organs.  Then, the dentist will be able to prepare a treatment plan and present it to the patient, to finalize the treatment process.  This is followed by a 3D print of the implant locator implement that will be used on the day of the surgery.
  3. Implant Surgery: Proceed with the surgery according to the established plan with the aid of the implant locator.  This enables a much shorter surgical time.
  4. Placing a Crown or a Denture Over the Implant: 2 – 6 months after the surgery, depending on the quality and quantity of the bone, will be the time to cover the implant with a crown or dental bridge.  This process will take approximately 1 week to 1 month, as it will depend on the complexity of each patient’s condition.

Advantages of Computer Guided Implant Surgery

  • The implant’s location can be precisely planned. Because the dentist is able to see in detail the bone structure as well as the shape of the teeth, the entire procedure can be more accurately determined and explained.
  • Error in locating the implant’s position is reduced. Because the location of the implant during the surgery has already been determined according to the treatment plan, the chance of an error is minimal.
  • The surgery duration is reduced.  This is possible because the implant location has already been identified.
  • With small incision, there is less discomfort after surgery. This is more acceptable to the patient.
  • The patient is confident in every step of the procedure. The patient will have received every detail and seen a clear picture of the entire process from the dentist beforehand.


The use of computer guided implant surgery helps increase the effectiveness of a dental implant and provides the greatest benefit to each patient.  However, one thing to always keep in mind is that, for a satisfactory outcome, the procedure should be performed by an expert with a lot of experience.



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