Longevity Program

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Longevity Program

What is the Longevity Program?

It is a comprehensive health check-up for the elderly conducted by multidisciplinary team with a holistic approach to healthcare.

The team will consist of:

1) American Board Certified Geriatricians who diagnose general health issues and geriatric specific factors such as: Alzheimer’s, mobility issues, falls, eyesight, hearing, and nutrition 

 2) Pharmacists provide medication and supplements to induce positive health changes. Medicine and dosage designed specifically the elderly.

3) Physical therapists to evaluate gait and balance, as well as provide advice on appropriate exercise techniques

4) Nutritionists on hand to provide personalized nutrition advice 

Why is there a need for a Longevity Program designed specifically for the elderly? 

Healthcare for the elderly is much more delicate and complex compared to other patients. Two in three senior citizens will have upwards of two chronic illnesses. Furthermore, older patients will require a variety of medication which can lead to unpleasant side effects. There are also diseases that are specific to the elderly such as Alzheimer’s and movement difficulties. Often times, these may be passed off as a process of natural deterioration due to age. However, the symptoms of the aforementioned can be alleviated and in some cases are fully treatable given the right diagnosis and treatment. This is especially so true diagnosis is made early on, this will provide a higher chance of successful recovery. Another reason for a geriatric program is that older patients often need specialized doctors for treatment of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. However, often times they do not receive an annual check-up and as such may not receive health benefits such as vaccination for influenza and pneumonia. 

Benefits for the elderly 

Based on international research, a Longevity Program can help seniors live a higher quality of life and be more self-reliant

Who is suitable for the Longevity Program?     

Adults aged 60 and above who would like to get an annual physical exam, health prevention, along with a comprehensive geriatric assessment. Elder adults who have complex health problems. These may include decline in cognitive function, self-care abilities, mobility, weight loss and decreased appetite.     

How do you register for the Longevity Program?

If the patient has a regular doctor and has previously been registered at the hospital then he/she will be referred to the Longevity Center. There appointments will be scheduled. If the patient is new to the hospital then he/she must first register at the Internal Medicine Clinic

Preparation before Check-up 

All patients should bring their medication and supplements on the day of the check-up. The patient should be accompanied by a caregiver or family member. Please bring any medical history from previous check-ups with you.

Longevity Program 

  • Health Check-up and Consultation American Board Certified Geriatricians
  • Longevity Check-up includes
    • Cognitive screening program
    •  Activity of Daily Living Screening 
    •  Health Maintenance Screening
    •  Basic Hearing Screening
    •  Incontinence Screening
    • Gait and Balance Screening
    • Basic Eye Screening
    • Nutritional Assessment
    • Medication Assessment by Pharmacist
    • Holistic Approach With Long Team Care Plan By Multidisciplinary Team

* Please bring any medication, supplements, and medical history on the day of your check-up 


