Hearing Aids: Essential for Whom?

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Hearing Aids: Essential for Whom?
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Hearing problems are a significant issue but often overlooked by those who are affected as they usually do not cause pain and tend to develop gradually. In medical terms, individuals with hearing impairments are considered to have a type of physical disability. Abroad, it is said that “Deaf is A Silent Handicap,” meaning that the disability is hidden and not visible to the naked eye, unlike other disabilities.


Understanding Hearing Aids

In addition to those who are profoundly deaf, there are also people with varying degrees of hearing loss, ranging from mild to severe. These individuals, if identified in children, may lead to delayed language development, unclear speech, poor academic performance, and in adults, may cause communication problems with others, work issues, or even impact daily life. These problems can often be addressed with hearing aids.

Currently, hearing aids come in various types, the most familiar being the behind-the-ear and in-the-ear models, which are widely used. Both types are still quite visible and large, prompting developments in hearing aids to make them smaller, fitting inside the ear canal, making them invisible from the outside and eliminating concerns about appearance. Additionally, there are digital hearing aids, which have clearer sound quality and the ability to reduce background noise, a major reason why some patients are reluctant to use hearing aids since they find them annoying.

Choosing Hearing Aids

The selection of hearing aids depends on the user’s age, occupation, and personal needs because if the chosen hearing aid does not suit the user, they may become discouraged and reluctant to use it, preventing those with hearing impairments from benefiting fully from their hearing aids.

The Ear, Nose, and Throat Center at Bangkok Hospital is ready to provide screening for hearing impairments from children to the elderly. It can restore hearing capabilities for those with impairments by fitting suitable hearing aids by expert doctors. Therefore, if you notice that someone close to you is starting to experience hearing problems, do not wait until it is too late to correct or rehabilitate their hearing capabilities. It is advisable to consult a doctor for an examination and rehabilitation as soon as possible.

