Sitting and working in front of a computer almost every day can cause neck, shoulder, and back pain from improper posture. This is because the neck often juts forward, and the shoulders lift without you realizing it. If left unchecked for a long time, you might end up with office syndrome.
Valgus Knee may not be familiar, but it can be found in people of all genders and ages from various causes. In children, it may be observed because of normal variation between the ages of 3 - 5 years. After that, as they grow, it often returns to normal alignment.
At present, technology has advanced significantly. There are breast examinations that can provide additional information to aid in more in-depth diagnosis, such as the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI Breast) and mammography using a mammogram machine combined with the injection of contrast medium (Contrast Enhanced Mammography: CEM).
Choosing the right type of LASIK surgery for vision problems should be done in consultation with a skilled and knowledgeable ophthalmologist since the advantages and disadvantages of each type of LASIK surgery differ.
As people age, a wide range of degenerative conditions become inevitable, including knee arthritis. Considered a common disease among the elderly, knee arthritis is inflammation and deterioration of the knee joint cartilage, which serves as a cushion enabling the knee to smoothly straighten and bend.
Migraine headache, or simply migraine, is one of the common diseases among working-age individuals. Did you know that if you have a migraine with aura...
Bow-leggedness or knock-knees can occur in childhood. In some individuals, as they grow into adults, the condition of their knees can naturally straighten on its own.
Trigger finger can occur in people of all genders and ages, often due to various factors such as repetitive use, age, etc. Prolonged heavy use of the hand can lead to pain at the base of the finger when moving, bending, and stretching the finger, resulting in trigger finger. It is more commonly found in women than men, especially in those who work with their hands all day with little rest.
Migraine is a type of headache that is complex and can be triggered by multiple factors. Although the exact cause is still unknown, studies and research have shown that migraines are associated with abnormal brain function in several areas.
Migraine is a type of severe headache, and its symptoms not only affect physical health but also have impacts on various aspects of life, such as education, work, social interactions, and family.
Currently, AI is playing an increasingly significant role in medicine and public health, particularly in the field of radiology. AI Mammography helps enhance the efficiency of breast cancer screening from mammography images, or mammograms, by allowing for in-depth analysis results with clarity in a short amount of time.
The current situation of COVID-19 infections continues to show an increasing trend, especially among young children aged 6 months to 1 year. This age group has the highest infection rate compared to older children and adults. Therefore, vaccination against COVID-19 in children is important to protect them at all ages.