Arthritis is a common disease. The suitable diet for people with this condition is recommended to include...
Currently, the number of patients with osteoporosis is increasing, a simple fall can result in a broken bone. Preventing and reducing the risk of falls among the elderly through exercise that strengthens bones and muscles can also improve balance and delay age-related decline.
Our muscles contain tendons that act like tiny springs so that we have high agility. However, they will only work at their best if we perform stretching exercises before exerting force every time.
The back muscles and abdomen are vital to a good golf swing as well as prevention and treatment of back pain in golfers
Exercise helps prevent and reduces back and knee pain.
Exercising in water helps support stronger joints.
Osteoarthritis Knee Condition Assessment Test to determine if you are at risk for knee osteoarthritis.
If you hear a cracking noise as you turn your head, or feel pain around the neck that becomes more pronounced when you tighten your neck muscles or move your head back and forth, these are dangerous indications that you might be suffering from “cervical spondylosis”.
Text neck is the term used to describe the injuries and pain sustained looking down at wireless devices for too long
Office Syndrome is a health issue that is common among working adults, particularly those who work in offices where they have to sit in place and stare at computer screens for long periods.
Spinal curvature, another somatic concern that worries many people, as it affects one's appearance...