Binge eating may be a sign of silent disorder which will be harmful if leave unattended. Watch for any sign or eating abnormalities before it’s too late.
How is monkeypox different from chickenpox?
Menopausal women are more at risk of coronary heart disease. It is important to take care of your heart’s health.
Gynecologic problems are not uncommon, especially myomas where only 20 – 30% of cases will show any symptoms.
Bangkok Hospital is well aware of the impacts of epilepsy on children, affecting child growth and development, socialization and learning capability.
Water is necessary for sustaining life. It enables the body to function properly, prevents kidney stones, makes the skin firm, and helps with the excretory system.
When many people when they gain weight, are experiencing swollen body or feeling uncomfortably fat without any obvious reason, they may wonder if the conditions are due to a problem with their thyroids or a symptom of obesity.
Cataract is the number 1 cause of low vision and blindness in the country and in the world. Patients only seek an ophthalmologist’s advice when their cataracts are already advanced, which is very dangerous and difficult to treat.
Heart arrhythmia can happen to anybody. There are many factors that cause such condition, especially the improper use of cannabis and/or caffeine, if consumed too much, may cause heart arrhythmia.
There are lots of information that you should know and understand correctly about your liver so you can take care of it in time when there is any problem as well as preventing progressive conditions.
During a critical time when one has to fight a serious disease, the most important thing is “trust,” because it boosts the confidence as one goes through this vulnerable period.
Bullying or mocking may sound like a little bit of fun in teenagers’ life at school, but parents and teachers are now recognizing the impact of bullying on the "victims," as it can cause long-term psychological damages that greatly disrupt a person’s life, employment, relationships, happiness, and achievements.