International Immunity Boost

RSV Vaccine Package for Older Adults
RSV infection can be severe for older adults, especially those who have certain medical conditions.

On-site Blood Collection and Vaccination
Delivering healthcare services at your doorstep with safety and convenience adhering to the standard of Bangkok Hospital

Night Check-up Package
Services for vaccination and health check-ups without fasting available in no time with special discounts more than 60%

DO NOT MISS OUT! Vaccine promotions for seniors
When reaching age 50+, immune system undergoes dramatic aging-related changes. Boost up immunity in the elderly to prevent infections and reduce disease severity with essential vaccines:

Dengue Fever Vaccine (New 2-dose package)
Protection against all 4 strains of dengue virus 80.2%. Reduction in hospitalization rate up to 90.4%.

A High dose flu vaccine for elderly age 65+
What is the difference between a higher-dose flu vaccine and 4-strain flu vaccine?

Allergy Vaccine Packages

Flu Vaccine Package
Why do you need flu vaccine every year

Essential Vaccine Package for Babies Aged 1-18 months
Healthy childhood matters Boosting up your baby’s immunity with essential vaccines

The 9-valent HPV vaccine Packages (GARDASIL®9)
The 9-valent HPV vaccine significantly helps to protect against cervical cancer.

Rabies Vaccine for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (2 Shots) Package
Prevent yourself from rabies with rabies vaccine (pre-exposure prophylaxis)