Travel Insurance

Local Private Medical Insurance Travel Insurance International Private Medical Insurance

The possible disruption of a holiday or business trip by a medical emergency means that the purchase of travel insurance may be the most important decision you make before your journey.

Bangkok Hospital works with hundreds of quality travel insurance companies to help you receive cashless emergency medical care if needed, according to the terms and conditions of your insurance policy.

Bangkok Hospital will help you in coordinating with your travel insurance company. *

  • If you would like to confirm that Bangkok Hospital can offer cashless covered medical services to you through your preferred travel insurance company, please send an email inquiry to our International Insurance Team.
  • If you represent an insurance or medical assistance company and would like to become a 3rd party payer of the Bangkok Hospital Group, please let us know.

* Bangkok Hospital reserves the right to refuse to work with certain insurance policies or insurance companies at our own discretion. We will advise you immediately if we are unable to work with your insurance provider.

For more information, please contact:
Tel. +66 2310 3000, 1719 (local mobile calls only)
Email : [email protected]