dr. sarinporn manitsirikul tipudom

Neurologist specializes in memory system and Alzheimer's disease

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English, Thai

Phương pháp điều trị &
Dịch vụ

Treatment for dementia
Treatment for Alzheimer's disease
Genetic testing for memory disorders
Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy
Treatment for dementia
Spinal Tab
Treatment for memory loss
Treatment for paranoia
Treatment for lose sense of direction
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Học vấn

Postdoctoral Fellowship in dementia and Alzheimer s diseaseMcgill University, Canada
NeurologyPhramongkutklao College of Medicine, Thailand
The Graduate Diploma in Clinical Science (Internal Medicine)Phramongkutklao College of Medicine, Thailand
Doctor of MedicineChiang Mai University, Thailand

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Dr. Sarinporn Manitsirikul Tipudom