dr. nattachai suwachittanont
Monday - Friday (07.00 -15.00) Please call +662 310 3000 or 1719 to make an appointment.
Preventive Medicine, Public Health, Preventive Medicine Lifestyle Medicine语言
English, Thai教育
Preventive Medicine Lifestyle MedicineThai Medical Council, Thailand2021
Master of Health Care Innovation (MHCI)Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania, United States2019
Preventive Medicine, Public HealthThai Medical Council, Thailand2012
Doctor of MedicineChulalongkorn University, Thailand证书
Diploma in Clinical SexologyThammasat University, Thailand2024
ประกาศนียบัตร หลักสูตรระยะสั้นสำหรับแพทย์เฉพาะทางผู้ให้บริการเวชศาตร์จีโนม ด้านเวชศาสตร์จีโนมเบื้องต้นสำหรับแพทย์เฉพาะทาง Refreshing Courseแพทยสภา, Thailand2021
Diplomate the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine (DipIBLM),American College of Lifestyle Medicine, United States2021
Foundation of Lifestyle MedicineAmerican College of Lifestyle Medicine, United States2021
Telemedicine Basic General CourseMayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, United States2021
Lifestyle Medicine Coursework Trainingสถาบันพัฒนาสุขภาพอาเซียน มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, Thailand2021
Lifestyle Medicine: Tools for Promoting Healthy ChangeHarvard Medical School, United StatesLoading Schedule..
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健康讲座与研讨会活动 “不要让健康成为不可预测的未来”健康的未来 发掘你的基因 定制你的生活
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AT-HOME HEALTH CHECK-UP 在家健康体检,好似有医生到您家照顾您的健康
体检是很重要的,但由于日常任务和活动的紧张可能没有时间。AT-HOME HEALTH CHECK-UP 是一种体检选择,可以减少到医院的时间。您可以在方便的日期和时间通过 Teleconsultation 预约听取结果和咨询医生,满足现代人随时随地关注健康的生活方式。