Longevity Center

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The Bangkok Longevity Center at Bangkok Hospital is one of the first of its kind to offer comprehensive one-stop healthcare service for the elderly in Thailand. The goal is to promote good health among the elderly through prevention and treatment of disease and disabilities.

Healthcare in the elderly has differences compared to conventional medicine. This is because emphasis is placed on the elderly, the complications that come with ages require a different approach compared to younger patients due to physiological changes such as changes in the function of the body’s organs.

Bangkok Longevity Center provides specialized care that meets the specific needs of the elderly through diagnosis and treatment of medical and social conditions such as movement disorders, Alzheimer’s, emotional abnormities, and ability to work. As such, patients can rest assured that they will receive the best in diagnostic and treatment services.

Services for Elderly Patient at OPD

Bangkok Longevity Center OPD at Bangkok Hospital was set up with the concept of promoting good health and well-being among the elderly through holistic services which include:

  • Comprehensive diagnosis and assessment of elderly patients
  • Healthcare services and disease prevention in healthy elderly patients
  • Consultation and assessment of elder patients with multiple medical conditions
  • The consultation and assessment of older adults with multiple medical problems
  • Primary care for the elderly
  • Diagnosis and treatment of diseases related with aging , such as osteoporosis and dementia
  • Vaccinations for seniors

Geriatric Assessment

Geriatric assessment involves multidimensional assessment that was designed specifically for the analysis of the physical and mental health for the elderly. These specific assessments include: nutrition, medication, sight, hearing, memory, walking and balance. Geriatric assessment, apart from helping to diagnose various diseases, helps to develop a treatment plan and assess the patient’s long-term needs.

Geriatric assessment is different from other evaluations as emphasis is placed on bodily functions and quality of life for the elderly. Our specialized medical team will coordinate to gather information to approach medical as well as mental and emotional conditions.

Medication and nutrition consultation

Medication Consulting

Seniors often have to take a large amount of medication which can result in numerous side effects. A review of the patient’s drug history can help to improve the safety or selection of future prescriptions. The pharmacists will conduct a review of current medication, prescribed or over-the-counter, as well as vitamin and herbal supplements. Furthermore, advice will also be given on appropriate drug usage to reduce the chances of adverse reactions and side effects from medication.

Nutrition Consulting

Nutrition consultation can provide insight to a patient consumption behavior, history of illnesses, and any worries they may have with regards to health. This information will help your nutritionist design a nutrition plan that is suitable to your lifestyle and also help to set targets i.e. on removing unnecessary or harmful foods from the diet while adding healthy body and mind inducing foods. These programs are personalized and designed to suit each patient’s individual needs.

Mobile Acute Care for the Elderly (MACE)

The elderly are at risk of sudden and unforeseeable situations that may require medical treatment at the hospital. In these types of scenarios the Mobile Acute Care for the Elderly or MACE is a new type of service that has designed processes specifically for older patients to ensure best practices.

The MACE unit is comprised of geriatricians, nurses, pharmacists, and nutritionists who with the help of advanced medical technology coordinate to treatment for acute conditions that may occur in the elderly. MACE aims to prevent any damage that may occur at the hospital such as being immobile in bed for prolonged periods which may lead to muscle weakness, which can become a barrier to recuperation.

Our multidisciplinary aims to care and treat common problems found in the elderly and return them to a happy quality of life.

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