4 Signs of Mother Approaching Labor

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4 Signs of Mother Approaching Labor

An expecting mom usually experiences anxiety about when her baby will be born, and if the delivery will be smooth and safe.  Observing these four signs of a woman about to give birth will help you get her to the hospital as soon as possible.

  1. Uterine Contractions occur when the muscles of the uterus repeatedly tighten and relax, causing discomfort.  When the contractions do not cease but instead become stronger, and the discomfort lasts longer than an hour, you should go to the hospital immediately.  However, if the discomfort is not persistent, it may be a warning pain from your activities that also include bladder spasms.
  2. Water Breaking is defined as a lot of clear fluid bursting out of the vagina without urination. This occurs when the amniotic sac that holds your baby breaks, increasing the baby’s risk of infection.  
  3. Bleeding or Bloody Mucus from Vagina. When the uterus contracts, the baby’s head moves downward and presses against cervical area which is covered with mucus, causing tearing of small blood vessels around the cervical opening that lead to the expulsion of mucus.  Bleeding indicates that the mom is about to give birth soon and she should head to the hospital as quickly as possible.

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  4. Baby’s Movements are a sign that your baby is healthy and well.  The more frequent the movements, the stronger the baby.  But if the movements are less than 10 times a day, you need to see the doctor immediately.  

The above are signs that the mom is close to giving birth.  She needs to be at the hospital immediately and be ready for the delivery of her little one with confidence.

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Dr. Wanicha Panyakhamlerd

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Dr. Wanicha Panyakhamlerd

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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