FEMTO LASIK revolutionizes vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

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FEMTO LASIK revolutionizes vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.
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Vision problems result from insufficient light convergence power of the eye relative to its length, leading to inadequate light focus on the retina and resulting in various vision disorders. These disorders are categorized into four types: myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia (age-related farsightedness). There are several options for correcting vision, starting from using eyeglasses, followed by contact lenses, but another popular option is the FEMTO LASIK surgery.

Those with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism who desire more flexibility in their daily activities or work without the need for glasses or contact lenses may find LASIK surgery an appealing option to enhance their quality of life. This includes teenagers aged 18 and above with myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism, as well as individuals over 40 who often experience age-related farsightedness. Despite taking good care of oneself, the deterioration of the eye’s muscles cannot be prevented with age, leading many to suffer from presbyopia, resulting in unclear vision of close objects and the necessity for reading glasses.

FemtoLasik Technology - Revolutionizing Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses
LASIK Methods 

People over the age of 40 born with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism can choose from 3 LASIK correction methods:
  1. Full Correction is to correct the vision to see clearly as before when using glasses or contact lenses, but you will still need reading glasses for close vision.
  2. Monovision tests which eye is dominant and which is less dominant. The ophthalmologist will correct the dominant eye for clear distant vision while the less dominant eye is treated with a laser for near vision without glasses. The effectiveness of this treatment lasts about 3 – 5 years because vision changes with age.
  3. Laser Blended Vision (LBV) is a new treatment innovation that allows seeing clearly at both near and far distances, and also improves intermediary vision, which is superior to the traditional Monovision method.

FEMTO LASIK the Innovation of Vision 

Bangkok Hospital has introduced the technology of femtosecond laser, specifically the VisuMax Femtosecond Laser and the Mel 80 from Carl Zeiss, renowned for their outstanding features and internationally recognized effectiveness. It ensures precision in every step of the LASIK procedure, from corneal flap creation to vision correction, offering a quick recovery time and rapid restoration of visual quality.

The Visumax Femtosecond Laser, designed for the perfect separation of corneal layers, achieves a smooth surface cut with high scanning speed and low energy, being gentle to the eyes and minimizing errors in flap creation. Meanwhile, the Mel 80 with its small laser spot size of 0.7 millimeters and Aspheric program can adjust corneal curvature to closely match natural vision, with Wavefront Technology correcting detailed vision abnormalities unique to each individual. Additionally, the innovative LBV (Laser Blended Vision) aims to address age-related farsightedness and is globally recognized. The high-speed infrared eye-tracking system further ensures precise treatment outcomes.

A key step in the LASIK procedure is creating the corneal flap, traditionally done with a tool called a MicroKeratome that creates a flap of approximately 130 – 160 microns thickness. Femto Lasik, however, uses femtosecond laser technology for this purpose, selecting Carl Zeiss’s VisuMax for the creation of the corneal flap.

The advantage is that the laser can accurately focus beneath the corneal surface. As the laser scans according to corneal curvature, it contacts the corneal surface gently and quickly, taking only 15 – 20 seconds, making the patient feel more comfortable during the procedure compared to traditional LASIK. Since no moving tool contacts the cornea like in the traditional method, it reduces the risk of corneal abrasions, achieves smoother cuts resulting in faster healing, less postoperative irritation, and quicker return to normal vision.

FemtoLasik Technology - Revolutionizing Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses

Those considering LASIK should be at least 18 years old and have stable vision for at least one year. LASIK is suitable for people whose jobs, daily routines, or hobbies are inconvenienced by glasses or contact lenses. Candidates should not be pregnant or breastfeeding, have no corneal diseases, and no severe eye or systemic diseases affecting wound healing, such as SLE. It is also crucial to have a detailed understanding of the LASIK procedure and realistic expectations.

With over 10 years of experience, the LASIK center at Bangkok Hospital is recognized by both Thais and international patients. The continuous development of medical technology being introduced ensures the effectiveness of state-of-the-art equipment and technology, ready to address all vision problems across all ages. With the latest treatment technologies and a specialized team of ophthalmologists focused on cataract surgery and vision correction care, assured by JCI (Joint Commission International) standards from the United States recognized globally, the innovation of vision that enables you to fully enjoy life on this ancient earth with a new pair of eyes


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Dr. Tarinee Sa-ngiampornpanit


Dr. Tarinee Sa-ngiampornpanit


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Dr. Somsran Watanachote


Dr. Somsran Watanachote


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LASIK Center

5th Floor, Bangkok Hospital Building

Mon - Sat 08.00 am. - 05.00 pm.

Sun 08.00 am. - 04.00 pm.

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