Do not neglect thyroid lumps.

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Do not neglect thyroid lumps.
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The thyroid gland is an organ located at the front of the neck, approximately 20 grams in size, shaped like a butterfly. It functions to produce and secrete thyroid hormones, which stimulate various organs throughout the body to function, especially the heart, brain, and controls the metabolism of various cells in the body. Therefore, if you notice any unusual lumps on the front of your neck, either by feeling them or observing them when swallowing saliva, do not ignore them. It is important to see a doctor to check if it is a thyroid tumor or not.

Thyroid lumps indicate diseases

If a lump in the thyroid is found, it can indicate various diseases, as follows:

  1. Benign thyroid tumors (Thyroid Adenoma)
  2. Benign thyroid tumors but overly active (Toxic Adenoma)
  3. Thyroid cancer (Thyroid Carcinoma)

Understanding Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer, in its early stages, does not present any symptoms other than feeling a lump in the thyroid. Therefore, if you find a lump in the front of the neck that moves up and down when you swallow saliva, you should see a doctor. The doctor will perform an ultrasound to look at the characteristics of the lump indicative of thyroid cancer, and the most accurate diagnosis is obtained by extracting tissue from the thyroid to be examined (Fine Needle Aspiration). If diagnosed with thyroid cancer, it is advisable to undergo surgery because early-stage surgery often leads to a cure from the disease.


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Dr. Natthanon Maneesathien

Internal Medicine, Family Medicine

Endocrinology and Metabolism
Dr. Natthanon Maneesathien

Internal Medicine, Family Medicine

Endocrinology and Metabolism
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For more information, please contact

Bangkok Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrine Center

2 nd Floor Bangkok Hospital Building

Monday-Friday: 7.00 - 16.00

Saturday-Sunday: 7.00 – 16.00

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