Extreme Sports Injury: The Higher the Risk, the Greater the Injury, the More Care Is Needed
Traditional exercise may not meet the expectations of the younger generation who crave excitement and boundless daring, making Extreme sports popular among the New Normal era people who seek new experiences without adhering to conventional play styles. With their novelty, fun, and thrill, combined with speed, height, and the challenge of the environment and public attention, it must be acknowledged that injuries or even fatal accidents cannot always be avoided.

Yoga for Stress Relief During Quarantine
Apart from the concerns of being infected with COVID-19, long-term isolation at home or in the Hospital significantly increases the stress level of patients without their awareness.

Healthy eating tips to keep diabetes under control
Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterize by high blood sugar associated with alterations in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. Despite the fact that diabetes, as a long-lasting disease cannot be cured, lifestyle modification can substantially help to control the blood sugar level and prevent diabetes complications. In fact, lifestyle modification result in diabetes remission defined when blood sugar levels fall below the diabetes range, usually without clinical signs and symptoms. If diabetes remission can be achieved for a long period of time, less or even no diabetes medications are required.

Myocarditis caused by long COVID
COVID-19 can potentially trigger cardiovascular diseases, in both direct and indirect ways. Mounting clinical researches reveal that patients who have certain preexisting medical conditions, especially cardiovascular disease, are at higher risk for severe illnesses and related complications if they become infected with COVID-19.

Unlock Fitness without Losing Tightness
The lockdown during COVID-19, which saw many confined to their homes with minimal outings, not moving much as they Work From Home all day, ordering both savory and sweet foods for delivery, poses a risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, belly fat, and fatty liver disease. Even as lockdown measures are relaxed, maintaining fitness for good health must not be neglected.

4 Relaxation Techniques for Full Fitness
Sleep for athletes can be a turning point towards success, because if they do not get enough or efficient sleep, it will affect their performance in competition.

Holistic healthcare programs for post COVID-19 recovery
COVID-19 has thrown normal life out of gear with no immediate end in sight. During COVID-19 infections, a wide variety of signs and symptoms might exhibit, hinging upon disease severity and preexisting health conditions.

Heart disease cannot wait. Connect every heart for good health.
On the occasion of World Heart Day 2021, Bangkok Heart Hospital wants everyone to USE HEART TO CONNECT, employing digital means to connect every heart to ensure good heart health for everyone's overall physical well-being.

Nutritional care prior to abdominal and rectal surgeries
Nutritional care plays an essential role in patients with abdominal and rectal diseases who need to undergo surgeries. The outcomes of major surgeries are directly associated with nutrition status prior to and after surgery.

Do not let a baggy eye ruin your self-confidence.
A wide range of eyelid problems can happen to anyone at any age. The severity degrees and symptoms widely vary among individuals.

What to know about Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

Use Heart, Know Heart – Healthy heart
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death for people of most racial and ethnic groups across the world. Cardiovascular diseases are defined as a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels, including coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, rheumatic heart disease and other cardiac conditions.