Liver Health Screening
As the liver is a vital organ, it helps support metabolism, immunity, digestion, detoxification and vitamin storage. Certain health conditions, e.g. history of hepatitis B or C, cirrhosis and chronic alcohol use can potentially harm liver’s health. People with these risk factors are advised to get liver health screening before any abnormal sign arises, allowing an effective healthcare planning.
Liver Health Screening |
Basic Measurement : Vital Signs, Body Mass Index (BMI) |
Physical Examination by Medical Physician |
Blood Tests: Complete Blood Count |
Sugar Profile: Fasting Blood Sugar |
Sugar Profile: HbA1C |
Lipid Profile: Cholesterol |
Lipid Profile: HDL |
Lipid Profile: LDL |
Lipid Profile: Triglyceride |
Kidney Function Test: BUN |
Kidney Function Test: Creatinine |
Kidney Function Test: eGFR |
Uric Acid |
Liver Function Test: SGPT |
Liver Function Test: SGOT |
Urinalysis |
Imaging Investigation: Chest X-Ray |
Cardiovascular Investigation: Electrocardiogram (EKG) |
Imaging Investigation: Ultrasound Upper Abdomen |
Fibroscan |
Liver Function Test: Alkaline Phosphatase |
Liver Function Test: GGT |
Liver Function Test: Total Protein (Albumin & Globulin) |
Liver Function Test: Bilirubin (Total Bilirubin & Direct Bilirubin) |
Tumor Markers: AFP for Liver Cancer |
Tumor Markers: CA.19-9 |
HBsAg |
AntiHBs |
AntiHCV |
Package price (THB) 16,000 |
Terms and Conditions:
- These health screening packages apply to outpatients who are self-dependent.
- Please refrain from eating and drinking at least 8-10 hours prior to the tests. (Drinking water is allowed.)
- Please make an appointment at least 3 days in advance. If you cannot receive service on the appointed date, please kindly inform Contact Center Tel.1719.
- The hospital reserves the right to adjust the price without prior notice.
- For more information, please contact Health Design Center, 5th floor, R-Building Tel. 02-755-1591 and 02-310-3284 or Contact Center Tel. 1719. Service hours: 7.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m.
- Services are available from 1 January – 31 December 2025.