Certificate, Foot and ankle Fellowship, Research AssociateUniversity of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, United States2546
Certificate, Paediatric Orthopaedic and Spinal deformity surgery Fellowship, Research AssociateUniversity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, United States2544
Ceritifcate, Fellowship in spinal surgeryThe Spine Institute at Saint John’s Health Center, United States2543
Certificate, Foot and ankle FellowshipUniversity of Ottawa, Canada2542
แพทยศาสตรบัณฑิต (พ.บ.)คณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล2533
Bachelor of Science Faculty of Medicineคณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล