Bangkok Academy of Sports and Exercise Medicine (BASEM)

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Bangkok Academy of Sports and Exercise Medicine (BASEM) at Bangkok Hospital Headquarters is considered a professional sports medicine center adhering to international standards. Aiming at restoring and improving performance of all athletes at any age with a wide variety of lifestyles, a holistic care in sports medicine is provided by well-trained and experienced sports medicine physicians along with multidisciplinary team covering all subspecialties involved in sports care. Comprehensive services range from physical fitness assessment, diagnostics, effective treatments, recovery and rehabilitation programs to sport injury prevention and athletic performance-enhancing programs. Cutting-edge technologies and advanced techniques in minimally invasive surgery have been deployed to achieve better surgical outcomes with shorter recovery time, allowing athletes a quick return to the games.

Personalized fitness assessment programs are designed for individual patients by our sports medicine specialists at BASEM to ensure physical fitness and readiness before getting back on track. Bespoke preparticipation evaluation and fitness assessment aim to improve athletic performance along with individual recommendations and training programs while minimizing the chances of sport injuries. Not only on physical aspects, but our emphasis is also placed upon sports nutrition and performance psychology to complete holistic care for professional athletes. Moreover, services are extended to amateur or nonprofessional athletes, physically active people and the elderly as well as patients with underlying conditions, e.g. diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and obesity.

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