5 Things to Do If You Want to Increase Your Metabolism Rate

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5 Things to Do If You Want to Increase Your Metabolism Rate
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Why are some people lucky enough not to gain weight no matter what they eat, plus they exercise less? This could be because their body has a naturally high metabolic rate. But for those who gain weight easily, don’t worry because we have ways to increase your metabolism to achieve the goal of maintaining shape and health. Just try these 5 methods, and the dream of having a good figure may come true.



1) Do not skip breakfast

Breakfast is really important because if you skip it, your body will reduce its metabolic rate, and the brain will release a chemical called Neuropeptide Y (NPY), which signals you to feel hungry and want to eat more without realizing it. Moreover, it may also cause a lack of concentration since the brain lacks glucose from food, and you may crave sweets even more, leading to easy weight gain.


Breakfast tips

Fill yourself with an easy breakfast menu such as whole-grain bread topped with tomatoes and avocado instead of strawberry jam and fresh butter, followed by a fruit smoothie. It will help you stay full and healthy. Or add lean protein foods like chicken, fish, eggs, round beans, tofu, etc., because protein takes longer to digest, so it makes you feel full longer, suitable for those who want to control weight.



2) Mix weight training with cardio

Cardio exercises like brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, or dancing help burn fat. But they must reach a certain heart rate level for blood pumping, allowing the body to use fat. You should also include weight training to build muscle and additionally increase your metabolism rate since cardio alone can’t stimulate this reaction as much as weight lifting can.


Exercise tips

An hour before exercise, you should eat high-glycemic index foods or simple carbohydrates like bread, sweet fruits such as watermelons, bananas, sweet drinks as they are easy to digest and can be quickly used by the body. However, foods high in fiber or protein, such as whole wheat bread, muesli, meats, should be avoided as they provide slow energy, and it’s better to consume them during regular meals.



3) Add L-carnitine

If you want to burn fat better, you need to add L-carnitine, a substance naturally produced in our bodies from two amino acids: lysine and methionine, produced in the liver and stored in muscles, arms, legs, heart, and brain. This helps increase the process of burning fat into energy in the body. Most sources of L-carnitine are found in meat, milk, avocado, and beans.



4) Go to bed a little earlier

Normally, the body has a biological clock system that regulates hormone secretion to maintain body efficiency and control the sleep-wake cycle (night-day). The best bedtime is between 21:00 – 23:00, when the immune system works best, and stores reserve energy to repair worn parts. Going to bed early helps prevent late-night hunger and stimulates the body to release the hormone leptin, which makes you feel full, increasing metabolism to work better and help control body weight.



5) Keep yourself hydrated

The study by researchers at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, indicates that people who drink an 8-ounce glass of water about 8 – 12 times a day increase their metabolic rate higher than those who drink only 4 times. Also, you should drink half a liter or 5 glasses of water after waking up before breakfast to keep the digestive system smooth and comfortable. Or sipping green tea along with diet control and exercise can also help increase the metabolic rate as well.


