Brain Heart Cancer at any age, you need to take care of.

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Brain Heart Cancer at any age, you need to take care of.
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Regular health check-ups can give you peace of mind from various diseases that may occur in the future. Checking for health issues before symptoms arise can help identify health problems early on. It not only increases the chances of treatment, reduces severity, and complications of the disease, but also improves quality of life.


The Brain… Stroke can occur at any age

Stroke occurs when the brain is deprived of blood due to narrow, burst, or blocked blood vessels. It’s a disease everyone should be wary of, regardless of age – the elderly, working-age adults, or teenagers who each have different risk factors. Screening to know the risk of ischemic stroke can be done in several ways, one of which is the Carotid Doppler Ultrasound, a test for blockage conditions in the neck arteries, which are major arteries that supply blood to the brain. This test uses high-frequency waves to detect the size and thickness of the arterial walls, including the blood circulation to the brain. If it’s found that the carotid artery walls are thickened and plaques have narrowed the artery, this may lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain and requires immediate treatment to prevent severe consequences such as paralysis or death.

For more information, click Carotid Artery Disease

The Heart… Coronary Artery Hardening

Detecting calcium deposits in coronary arteries (Coronary Artery Calcium Scan or CAC) is a way to find evidence of coronary artery hardening (Atherosclerosis of Coronary Artery), a result of chronic inflammation along with a long-term deterioration of the arteries, approximately 2 – 5 years, caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, central obesity, or genetics. The arteries harden due to chronic inflammation and eventually, calcium deposits adhere to arteries, reducing their elasticity and causing narrowing. The presence of coronary artery hardening in patients can be assessed and diagnosed with a Computerized Coronary Calcium Scan, which can only indicate chronic conditions. Acute cases may not be as detectable due to the presence of new lesions.

For more information, click Coronary Calcium Scan (CAC)

Cancer… Breast Cancer, The Earlier You Know, The Greater the Chance of Cure

Breast Cancer, a disease feared worldwide by women, is the most common cancer in women, with mortality rates being the second highest after lung cancer. The horror of breast cancer decreases with the speed of detection. Therefore, paying serious attention to breast cancer screening is crucial. The earlier it is found, the more the severity of the disease and the risk of death are reduced. Digital mammography is important in this regard. It uses a special radiographic technology similar to X-rays, which is highly effective in detecting breast abnormalities at an early stage. The examination takes about 5 – 10 minutes, during which the machine compresses the breast for about 5 seconds to spread out the breast tissue, resulting in high-resolution images that allow for accurate diagnosis. The procedure may cause some discomfort depending on the size of each individual’s breasts.

For more information, click The quicker you know breast cancer, the greater the chance of cure

Cancer… Liver, Don’t Be Careless

Liver Cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths, being the most common cancer in males and the third in females. The chance of death upon diagnosis is as high as 87%. Hence, if warning signs such as weight loss, bloated stomach, or stomach tightness are noticed, it is crucial to be vigilant and protect yourself from liver cancer through an Ultrasound of the Upper Abdomen, which can preliminarily detect abnormalities in various organs before specific treatment for those abnormalities. The Upper Abdomen Ultrasound can screen for:

  • Liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys to check for the size of organs, masses, or congenital abnormalities, including changes due to inflammation or trauma.
  • Gallbladder, bile ducts for gallstones, polyps or tumors of the gallbladder, acute and chronic inflammation of the gallbladder, causes of jaundice and yellowing of the skin, whether it is caused by obstruction in the bile ducts or not, and the obstruction is caused by stones or tumors.
  • Detecting stones in the urinary tract.
  • Examining the liver’s blood vessels, such as in patients with cirrhosis.
  • Examining the kidney’s blood vessels, such as in patients with high blood pressure.
  • Examining the large abdominal artery (Abdominal Aorta) for narrowing, blockage, or aneurysm.

For more information, click Warning signs you must know for liver cancer



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