Look Good from the Inside with Customized Therapy

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Look Good from the Inside with Customized Therapy
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People who want to look good, whether it’s having a beautiful face, radiant skin, or a great physique, often take care of themselves by dressing well, choosing beauty products, or taking beauty courses. These are external aids for looking good, but another very important part is looking good from the inside which means having strong physical health, such as a good circulatory system, balanced nutrients, vitamins, minerals, hormones, etc. in the body, which is the starting point of overall beauty because when your health is good, the inner beauty will reflect on the outside.


Looking Good from the Inside Out


Glowing Skin, Bright and Wrinkle-Free

The cause of having glowing, hydrated, and healthy skin comes from the body having a good balance of vitamins C, A, and E. These vitamins play a crucial role in delaying skin aging, reducing wrinkles, and also in preventing many types of diseases. Additionally, there’s Omega 3 fatty acids essential for retaining moisture, Zinc minerals that repair skin and reduce acne inflammation, and vitamin D that protects the skin from sun damage. If you notice that your skin is dry or wrinkled despite using moisturizers every day, you may be lacking these vitamins.


Beautiful and Strong Hair and Nails

The beauty of hair and nails is an indicator of what’s inside the body. Important minerals that nurture hair and nails include Zinc, Biotin, Vitamin B5, and Iron, which help prevent hair loss and strengthen nails.

Other factors causing hair loss include male hormone levels like Testosterone, thyroid hormone imbalances whether low or high, anemia from iron deficiency, and long-term use of steroids. However, in men, hair loss is mostly genetically inherited and related to male hormones while in women, it can be due to mineral or vitamin deficiencies.



Normal Oral Health

Do you have cavities, bad breath, or bleeding gums? These can indicate health problems. Besides daily oral hygiene, important minerals help maintain oral health, such as Calcium and Phosphate for bones and teeth, Vitamin C to prevent gum disease, bleeding gums, immune boosting, and wound healing in the mouth, or Vitamin D synthesized from sunlight because without enough sunlight, the body cannot absorb calcium into bones and teeth properly.


Firm and Well-proportioned Body

A body free of excess fat and overweight indicates whether we take care of our internal body through diet or exercise, which affects our metabolic system. However, some people find it easy to gain weight and hard to lose it, possibly due to metabolic disorders caused by abnormal Leptin hormone, which plays a vital role in energy intake and expenditure including appetite, or from abnormal thyroid hormone, etc.


The internal factors that make each person look good from the outside vary because our bodies are different, and our needs or responses to different substances are not the same. Therefore, we must check how our bodies interact with these substances before taking care of our health.




Customize Therapy, Your Assistant to Good Health

Customize Therapy is a health care approach that will lead you to answers never known before about how much vitamins and minerals, hormone levels, blood completeness, and genetic system your body has through detailed blood tests. It will specify what food is suitable, what should be avoided, what needs special nourishment, what exercise is best, and solve unresolved health issues such as why you can’t sleep, why you’re always tired, why you catch a cold often, why you’re easily irritable, why the skin is dry, why hair is falling out, why the skin doesn’t glow despite taking vitamins. This will genuinely lead you to inner beauty.


Looking good on the outside is great, but don’t forget to take care of yourself from the inside too, because many things that look good on the outside come from a well-nourished and strong internal body.

